Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Says " finance " quack Suze Orman : "Warren is my political voice,"
Nothing more phony than the " progressive " Democrats pretending to distance themselves from the ruling plutocracy , from the everyday corruption of American capitalism . The Queen of Progressivism in the Democratic Party is presently Senator Elizabeth Warren. Four years ago Warren was endorsed lovingly by this Queen of Scam Artists :
[ CNBC TV host and finance expert Suze Orman just loves Sen. Elizabeth Warren - and she wants to tell everyone about it.
Asked if she would vote for Warren over Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, Orman offered a hearty "yes" in front of an audience at Politico's "Solving for Y: Exploring Opportunities for the Next Generation" event, featuring both Orman and Warren, D-Mass, speaking on student debt. Although Orman said she thinks Clinton would make an excellent candidate for the Oval Office, the 63-year-old financial guru said she'd vote for Warren because she identifies with the struggle Warren is taking on.
"Warren is my political voice," Orman said.]
Wow ! It would be better for Warren to be endorsed by Hillary Clinton than this female Kevin Trudeau of middle class " finance ". Suze Orman is being exposed as a greedy fraud .
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