Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Democratic Party is promoting RACISM not SOCIALISM

My democratic socialist views are not based on any fleeting mental state of " UPSET " . I don't see any evidence of " socialism " ascendant in the neo-con Democratic Party . And democratic socialism in no way can support the Zionist Apartheid Israel or the Greater Israel Agenda.
Democratic Socialism can not support the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism hysteria of this oh-so-PROGRESSIVE Democratic Party.

      Democratic socialism rejects the opinion of Zionist -in-Chief of the Democratic Party, Senator Chuck Schumer,that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism.

      Democratic socialism can only frown on Schumer's ambition to be Apartheid Israel 's " guardian angel ". That only suggests that HE Chuck Schumer - not President Donald Trump - should register as an agent of a foreign power .

     Democratic Socialism - which hypocrite Bernie Sanders has no right to re-define- being in its essence hostile to PRIVATE PROPERTY and even to " legitimate " wealth and opposed to the " military industrial complex " of the United States- completely defends the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.

          The Democratic Party cannot pretend to be for the HAVE NOTS of the world while colluding behind the scenes with millionaires and billionaires - as did " Wall St. Hillary " ( " listen to the PRIVATE face Hillary not to the PUBLIC face Hillary " ) .

       The Democratic Party is inflaming RACISM by its endless and obsessed focus on vicious " identity politics " that smears the entire white Christian working class in the USA as deplorable white supremacists .

         The Democratic Party - not President Trump - hopes that the BIG LIE - like the Russia attack on OUR democracy - will return them to full power after the 2020 national elections.

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