Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
" Socialist " Bernie Sanders had his ideological roots in Depression Era New York City
If you read a chapter in Irving Howe's " World of Our Fathers " you will understand that Bernie Sanders has his ideological roots in the socialism - back then Marxist and Trotskyist -of New York Jewish intellectuals affected by the HARD TIMES of the 1930s era of the Great Depression . It is a very interesting story . The cause of socialism faded with the post war prosperity and the McCarthy era red hunting.
[ " It’s no secret Bernie Sanders hails from Brooklyn: You can tell the minute he starts talking. But his accent isn’t the only thing he got from Brooklyn. His brother, Larry Sanders, who now lives in Oxford, England, said their childhood in Brooklyn has had clear influences on Bernie’s character and political beliefs."] ( from an article by Nicole Brown )]
It does seem that militant Zionism dampened the enthusiasm these intellectual Jews had for " socialist internationalism ".
One David Horowitz writes with bitterness about " The Destructive Generation ". But many Jewish radicals were never tainted with Stalinism and loyalty to Moscow. Recall I.F. Stone .
Radical Son, by David Horowitz - Light On Dark Water
He was a “red-diaper baby,” his parents being Jewish Communists—that is, not ... crimes became ]
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