Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, July 5, 2019
Zionist Senator Chuck Schumer will vote APPROVE when Israel attacks Iran
"Trump's "Salute to America" program made him the first U.S. president in nearly seven decades to make a Fourth of July address at the National Mall. In 1951, President Harry Truman spoke on the National Mall on July Fourth to mark the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence "
Just before the outbreak of the Korean War the Democrat president Harry Truman stages a Fourth of July salute to the US Militarism . July 4 , 2019 , the more flamboyant President Donald Trump stages another militarist parade . The hypocritical Democrats object to Trump's personal glorying in all this Red, White , and Blue patriotic euphoria celebration .
What the Democrats don't object or oppose : the future war plans of the Pentagon. THEY are the ones presently promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. And these " progressive " Democrats do it in the spirit of right wing old John Birch Society patriotism .
None of them opposed the obscene military budget of the United States in defense , of course, of " OUR democracy " .
Should Israel attack Iran - with a wink from the USA , the Zionist-in chief of the Democratic Party Senator Chuck Schumer, with loyal Zionist Nancy Pelosi by his side, will vote APPROVE with a few hypocritical tears . " I want to be Israel's guardian angel " , Schumer said. And who is not in the pocket of the Israel lobby in his " friend of labor " Democratic Party ?
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