Monday, July 29, 2019

Why is " Hitler " Trump increasingly popular among American Jews ?

How many " liberal " Democrats are cheer leaders for Zionist Apartheid Israel ? Years ago the United Nations declared Zionism a form of racism. But today Zionists are in control of the neo-con Democrat Party . Senator Chuck Schumer declared himself Israel's " guardian Israel ".

       For decades the Democrat Party harbored the Southern segregationist racists . When did Bill Clinton quarrel with them ?

    Why is " Hitler " Trump wildly popular in Netanyahu's Israel ? Why is he increasingly popular among American Jews ?

Yes , the Zionist -in-Chief of the Democratic Party declared that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism . And for some strange reason the mainstream FAKE NEWS media CENSORS and BLACKBALLS journalists -like Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges who beg to differ.

     Is Netanyahu a " vile racist " ? The Palestinians think so . But militant atheist Zionist Ayn Rand thought the Palestinians were inferior to the Jewish settlers - so much like in South Africa

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