Saturday, July 27, 2019

Get any professional anti-Semitism - or white supremacist - hunter to study Radical Ron's blog for solid evidence of anti-Semitism and white supremacist propaganda.
How many white supremacists have a favorite Black Muslim Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker "

      How many white supremacists oppose the inequality caused by capitalism and ALL the wars of American imperialism ?

                 How many anti-Semites are inspired on social issues by Erich Fromm 's " The Sane Society " or appreciate the economic analysis of capitalist exploitation by old Karl Marx in " Das Kapital " ?

                    Yet whatever the depth of Hitler's anti-Semitism in " Mein Kamp " the book is worth reading for its insights on German nationalism embittered after the defeat of the First World War. Hitler made sharp observations on the weakness of the German socialists and the communists who could not sell the virtues of Stalin's Russia to middle class - often Catholic or Protestant - Germans .
In the 1920s starving German children were poor propaganda for British and French imperialism in the big cities like Berlin and Munich .

                 Hard to believe that so many non-religious socialists - even Marxists - cannot believe that historic anti-Semitism has a RATIONAL explanation .

            So I was not shocked when I was banned from the World Socialist Web Site after some Socialist Equality Party troll smeared me as their " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " . No doubt their permanent GREAT LEADER David North approved . He himself ( real name David Green ) is , oddly enough , a Jewish capitalist owner of a NON-UNION printing company . Quite a hobby for this two faced Marxist leader of the revised Trotskyist Fourth International .

      One SEP troll threatened in an e-mail to smash this " Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " face - IF only sweet David approves.

     I will say a couple of Hail Marys and Our Fathers for Comrade North . And for NPR trolls here who also call me a white supremacist and an anti-Semite.

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