Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
The mainstream news media in the United States keeps insisting that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism . It soon follows by THEIR logic that ZIONIST = JEW. If Jews as a people are overwhelmingly loyal ( I can get no reliable statistics here ) to APARTHEID Israel, then they have made themselves into slaves of a toxic nationalism . Just as the German people on the whole were corrupted by Hitler and Nazism.
No less a humanist than Albert Einstein condemned Germans and Germany COLLECTIVELY for the Holocaust.( see " Out of My Later Years " ) .
Today socialist humanists condemn Zionist Apartheid Israel. So has the conscience of the world -the United Nations - condemned Zionism as racism.
Jews with a social conscience will renounce and denounce Zionism and Israel's daily crimes against humanity.
Otherwise the democratic socialist movement will link them to the ONE PERCENT plutocracy - ALL enemies of the working class of the whole world.
There is a moral CHOICE here. The wrong one is a path to Hell.
Jews have a moral choice
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