Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, March 8, 2019
WHO is smearing the socialist LEFT as " anti-Semitic " ?
Netflix’s Trotsky: A toxic combination of historical fabrication and blatant anti-Semitism
I am familiar enough with the writing of Leon Trotsky -including his own " My Life " autobiography-to assert that Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary to the marrow of his bones. There is not a hint of ethno-centrism in his life or in his revolutionary writing.
All the great Jewish scientists of the 20th century-many Noble Prize winners- had a cosmopolitan outlook nurtured by what is best in the culture of Western Civilization.
Nothing can be more effective in checking irrational anti-Semitism than a critical mass of Jewish " public intellectuals " denouncing Zionism and Apartheid Israel .
Affluent , politically connected, mostly Democrat, Jews in the USA are in no danger of persecution by the mainstream news media . But they recently ganged up on a new Muslim member of Congress who dared to suggest that the STATE of Israel is just what the United Nations claimed it to be : " Zionism is a form of racism " .
Clearly, working class SOCIALISTS- of whatever race or ethnic group- are in much greater danger of persecution or harassment than FBI-CIA connected Zionists or most upper class American Jews.
The socialist LEFT is smeared every day as " anti-Semitic " ( by WHOM - by Christians, by Humanists, by Muslims , by Roman Catholics ? ) . No doubt by the New Atheists ! Who sponsors them ?
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