Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Progressive Democrats silent on Catholic Church vandalism in France ?
Will any of these FALSE " democratic socialists " in the Democratic Party -like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren - dare attack the sacrosanct military budget of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?
TRILLIONS of dollars can quickly be made available for more constructive purpose than nuclear World War III with Russia or China or another war in the Middle East to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " .
You would think that these " democratic socialists " would point to the monstrous waste of TAX PAYER money that is the war on drugs and the maintenance of the hellish American Gulag , the state and federal prison system
Don't expect any " democratic socialist " Democrat presidential candidate to condemn the death penalty or to question the revised Roe vs Wade right to infanticide.
Don't expect any of these oh-so-progressive stars - to see Anti-Catholicism as sinister as anti-Semitism. NPR had nothing to say about the recent vandalism of Catholic Churches in France . This fascism ON THE LEFT ?
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