Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Radical Ron warns American youth : BEWARE " SOCIALIST " PERSONALITY CULTS !
Unless SEP cult leader David North is in a coma ( soon to be replaced ) HE can read the comments under his own WSWS article and judge for himself that Ron Ruggieri was smeared by " Joe Williams " . Only a very dense reader here will not get it.
The so called LEFT is rather famous for promoting totalitarianism. The SEP is just one more example of a miserable " socialist " party personality cult .
The general public should be interested because while the IDEA of SOCIALISM is again in the air and indeed ON THE AIR there are numerous dangerous CULTS like David North SOCIALIST EQUALTY PARTY and here in the USA Jack Barnes SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY .
The sad degeneration of the SWP is a story in itself - best told by ex-Trotskyist Peter Camejo whom Ralph Nader selected for his vice -presidential mate in the Green Party.
I just want to WARN THE YOUTH : Beware " socialist " cults . Don't drink the Kool- Aid !
A warning to SOCIALIST youth
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