Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, March 29, 2019
Now the LIBERAL Left slobbers over the FBI, CIA , Pentagon ALL AMERICAN POLICE STATE
The FULL Mueller report will reveal no more than the summary. The Democratic Party has so obviously become the HATE RUSSIA NEW McCarthyism war mongering party. In the cultural wars its so very progressive stars indulge in sickening displays of ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM - showing themselves better and nastier HATERS than any group of conservative Republicans.
How weird that self-described LIBERALS have forgotten their tumultuous 60s perspective on the FBI, the CIA , the Pentagon shadow government of the American plutocracy. Now they slobber over these sinister enclaves of the near future All-American Police State.
They have the nerve to stupefy the voters with drivel about " OUR democracy " as if THAT were not the issue in the 2016 presidential campaign of BOTH Donald Trump on the Right and Bernie Sanders on the left.
Trump was right from the beginning : the Mueller Russia collusion investigation was a WITCH HUNT- as brainless and unprincipled as any public investigation in United States history.
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