Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Socialism must build bridges -not alienate - all the world's religious people
"The Socialist Equality Party denounces the March 3 physical assault on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The political differences between the SEP and Corbyn are well known and unbridgeable. But we unreservedly call on workers and young people to defend him from any attack by the extreme right."
Classic Marxism always opposed mindless violence against mere individuals - whatever their high position in society.
No socialist party can ever hope to become a MASS party while encouraging incivility and contempt for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of much maligned ( by the pseudo-Left ) " Western Civilization ".
Is it unreasonable to assume that the smearing of the socialist Left as anti-Semitic has as its main source belligerent Zionists -both Christian and Jewish ?
I noted that news media - self-identified as Jewish and pro-Israel- reported the story of the vandalism of Marx's grave with little indignation ( saying that Marx himself was often anti-Semitic ! ). Also they made no calls to FIND THE CULPRITS. I wonder why .
A short while ago I read that Marx's labor theory of value helped promote Hitler's Nazi movement. And also that " socialism was inherently anti-Semitic ".
To be sure, SOCIALISM must build bridges to all the world's religious people. None of the great religions bless Ayn Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness ". What would the Old Testament preacher Amos think of her ?
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