Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
I have more than 3000 UP votes on my Disqus feed. No perceived neo-Nazi would get that much " approval ". Once again, why can't SEP cult leader David North / Green send me a brief explanation why not this or that comment was REMOVED from the World Socialist Web Site ( more than 1000 have been published ) but why old Democratic Socialist ( my blog goes back to 1997 ) Ron Ruggieri is permanently BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE ?
By the way, I can function just fine without the blessing of nearly deranged Trotskyist sects of which there are more than a few . The real SOCIALIST movement can breathe freer without crackpot partisan misleaders.
The real Socialist is NOT inspired by the soul-less New Atheism ( sponsored by secular Zionist Jews or crypto-Zionists ). Nowhere on the planet do these pretentious Trotskyist sects LEAD the working class in ANY struggle. What a sick delusion that THEY are the VANGUARD of a coming socialist revolution.
One SENTENCE from the Great Oz David North can conclude this controversy. What does he fear ? An INDEPENDENT voice on his World Socialist Web Site ?
[ I have a right to retaliate with TRUTH after being SMEARED on your World Socialist Web Site as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist ".
David North/Green, for example, is a CAPITALIST . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker " .
This CAPITALIST ( and crypto-Zionist ? ) has turned a SOCIALIST party into a MAKE-A-BUCK swindle.
There are at least a few hundred of David North's dupes in HIS Socialist Equality Party . They are like " Clears " in the Church of Scientology. I will pray for them .]
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