Wednesday, March 27, 2019

SEP 's " Joe Williams smears Radical Ron like a good Stalinist prosecutor

Here is your congenial comrade " Joe Williams " . His obnoxious comments on me PUBLISHED -and not removed - on David North World Socialist Web Site .
" LOL, yes Ron, we all know you think that anti-semitism has a rational explanation. That is one thing you have managed to articulate very clearly. Please articulate it at Breitbart and Stormfront, where it belongs. "
"And since many people have suggested that he[ Ron Ruggieri ] may be a conscious fascist who poses as a confused person here just to sew divisions and disorientation, it's worth pointing out that, as the crisis of capitalism has deepened, his attempts to scapegoat Jews for the crimes of the US and capitalism have gotten much more frequent and intense. "
' [Hi Emerson, you must be new here. Ron is our resident antisemite and catholic/fascist apologist. Look through his past posts on this website to find some of his greatest hits like "Henry Ford and Jack Kennedy supported the Nazis because they were classic American pacifists," "Socialists need to reach out to the Catholic Church," and "Jews are an inherently reactionary group, while Italians are naturally artistic and progressive." ] '
" His invocation of a handful of "good" Jews at the beginning of his comment here is, in his mind anyway, a rebuttal to the constant criticisms he receives.'
Does not " Joe Williams " here sound like a STALINIST prosecutor in days of the infamous Moscow Trials ?

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