I still have received no explanation why DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST Ron Ruggieri has been BANNED FROM THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE . Just recently I received this e-mail from a SEP member
:[ Dear Ron,As a writer for the World Socialist Web Site, I make sure to follow the comments sections under the articles I write.From what I can tell, your comments express 1) a lot of thought and 2) a fair amount of agreement with us.Are you interested in political discussion with the Socialist Equality Party, with an eye to joining?-John Marion ]
One " Joe Williams " smeared me as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite , Fascist " on your often excellent web site. Should not the SEP leaders be as sensitive to blatant anti-Catholicism as they are to hints of anti-Semitism - an issue complicated very much by Zionist Apartheid Israel.
You don't shout WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! and scorn ALL the world's RELIGIOUS people. That is the path to the old Stalinist tyranny. You want a Godless , officially ATHEIST social order ? One that destroys intellectual and religious freedom ? If that is the case, the SEP and all the other rather shabby " socialist " sects on the Left will remain as marginal footnotes in the History of Civilization.
Yes , Trotsky was right about this : " THE TRUTH IS AN ORPHAN " ( even in Trotskyism Land ) .