Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Donald Trump did COLLUDE - with Netanyahu and Zionist Apartheid Israel
The convoluted Mueller Report will have much less credibility than the famous Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy . THAT was a real, particular CRIME.
What is deliberately NOT NOTICED in this Kafkaesque investigation is that the weight of any verdict falls more on Putin's Russia than on Republican President Trump. When did WE THE PEOPLE decide that post-communist Russia was an official ENEMY of the United States ? To ask a naïve question: " What did Putin do to hurt ME ? "
Where is " OUR democracy " in this serious business of influencing foreign policy ?
WE THE PEOPLE can fire ALL the top US military leaders and mostly JUNK the PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE .
The WAR MACHINE is just a big murderous waste of TAX PAYER MONEY .
By the way , if Donald Trump colluded in a sinister way with ANY foreign country that country was Zionist Apartheid Israel. Just recently Trump delighted the war criminal crook Netanyahu by recognizing Israel's possession of the Golan Heights - taken in the 1967 war .
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