Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
My point is that Russia is now a post-COMMUNIST country run by a plutocratic oligarchy just as CAPITALIST USA. " OUR democracy " is not on a higher moral plane . Our Pentagon War Crimes Machine has earned the hatred of the whole world. WE have no moral authority to CORRECT any regime on earth -but we could begin with Apartheid Israel. I noted that so many Democrats -hardly in the great liberal tradition -are now slobbering over the FBI, CIA , the shadow government of the United States in which Ayn Rand Zionists seem to be very much in charge ( show me that I am wrong instead of calling me names like " anti-Semite ") Funny , President Trump just accused the Democratic Party of being a haven for Jew haters. Of course, here Trump - weary of being daily smeared by the mainstream news media? - is being simply ridiculous. The TRUTH is not anti-Semitic .
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