Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The mental stagnation of the American Way of Life

CIA Democrats call for aggression against Russia, run pro-war campaigns in 2018 congressional races

How incredibly stagnant has been anti-war sentiment and protest in the United States . Not a single LEADER capable of reaching the masses has emerged or found his or her voice.

                 Hardly a single fresh insight on WAR and PEACE in the mainstream news media. Any deep criticism of the capitalist " way of life " has retreated almost to the Freudian realm of the Unconscious in the middle class.

                  The American" free press " all but obliterates historical memory . Long recognized FACTS are bludgeoned out of the heads of the more literate public.

              Reading the last few chapters of H. G. Wells " The Outline of History " I was impressed ( for all his " philistine " flaws ) by his internationalism, his sense that the worshipped NATION STATE was now an anachronism, that global socialism was a real possibility, that ALL plutocracies and monarchies were doomed.

                 Also not surprising Wells' gloomy " Mind at the end of its tether ". How long can humanity LIVE with THE BOMB ?  :

[ This is the final testament of a man who has seen his world very nearly destroyed in two world wars, of a man who has seen his life long work of building peace repeatedly dashed — this is the final testament of a man in a time of vanishingly little hope who stands up and points to a young couple daring to begin a life together and announces “There are the new Lords of Creation!”  ]

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