Monday, October 1, 2018

"The Kavanaugh hearing and the purported necessity to “believe the woman”—regardless of the presumption of innocence or any evidence, for or against—was virtually the sole theme on the Sunday television interview programs. "

      When you make this very point about objective evidence and INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY the DNC inspired # MeToo trolls will call you an accomplice in rape ! This dishonest hysteria is the very stuff of the infamous Moscow Trials of the Stalinist era.

                  Hysterical middle class females with a " progressive " political agenda usher in a " Reign of Terror " ? How dare any male question a " Gold Star Victim " ?

     What a bizarre distraction from the endless Kafkaesque " Russia Investigation " - also based on mere smears : " collusion " with our ENEMY Russia ( And when did WE THE PEOPLE decide that Russia was OUR eternal enemy ?) .

Democrats, media press Kavanaugh sexual assault campaign

I don't think so  [ see post above ] . When so few organizations and parties " on the LEFT " are standing up for something as fundamental as EVIDENCE , OBJECTIVE TRUTH , and INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY .
Silence here would be damnable .

Sexual McCarthyism

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