Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, October 6, 2018
An pillar of civilization , nevertheless THE LAW is not above the class struggle
For almost two centuries militant, mostly Marxist, socialists have exposed the ideological myth of THE LAW as being above the class structure of society . Of course no civilized persons will mock the social invention of LAW , an advance in civilization.
No civilized persons will imagine he or she is free to break any and all laws in the spirit of anarchy. It is easy to see that conformity even to old religious law, " The Ten Commandments ", or to the written laws of the early Roman Republic, just helped to make life less of a Darwinian struggle of each against all.
Today socialists must actively defend the once sacrosanct principle of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY .
During these insane Brett Kavanaugh hearings I had a whiff of both Old Salem and the infamous Moscow Trials of the 1930s. The Russian prosecutor( the rough moral equivalent of our Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, also a pillar of the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism) succeeded in getting many innocent Old Bolsheviks found GUILTY. I read that even some innocents - under psychological torture - actually CONFESSED to betraying the Revolution , betraying Stalin that is .
The mainstream news media in the United States never points out that in this " # MeToo hysteria all the accused and all the victims - real or imagined - are from ruling class or upper middle class backgrounds. To be sure , a poor Mayella Ewell of " To Kill A Mockingbird " fame would never have been begged to testify as a victim at any # MeToo rally. Yet they ( moralizing philistines ) imagine that the sacrosanct LAW is above the class struggle.
The steadfast defense of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY commends once again the World Socialist Web Site.
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