Friday, May 4, 2018

Amid Calls For Resignation, Rosenberg Steps Down And Expresses 'Regret' And 'Sorrow'

A rogue politician can still get away with anything if he cultivates the right NICE PEOPLE .
[ State Senator Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst), Majority Leader of the Massachusetts Senate, hosted Consul General of Israel to New England Yehuda Yaakov at the State House on Thursday, June 19th, during a formal session of the Massachusetts Senate.
Yaakov’s visit marks the second time Rosenberg has hosted the Israeli Consul General at the State House.]
Perhaps higher up Israel's troubled prime minister can at least give Mr. Rosenberg a character reference for  another plutocracy serving position.

As for " NICE PEOPLE " read British philosopher Bertrand Russell's essay with that title.
Decaying capitalism is mass producing decadent public servants.

    Image result for Stan Rosenberg , Yehuda Yaakov at the State House
    Rosenberg and Yaakov

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