Tuesday, May 29, 2018

American Catholicism poisoned by toxic nationalism

The abortion vote in Ireland: A blow against reaction

What amazes me is how the far right could capture such an absurd slogan as " RIGHT TO LIFE " ? Where is the " right to life " in capitalist America ? One reason pregnant women in panic after becoming pregnant seek the sad necessity of abortion is that there is no clear right to life for their child AFTER it is born. And its very first breath- on what was once just a SUMMER DAY- is now rotten air on an official " rotten air day " ( or OZONE ALERT day ).
Look around you at all the dazed homeless , mentally ill, still jobless in capitalist America ? What " right to life " ? 
Only a new form of " socialist " family can guarantee the newly born and children the natural right to a decent life , a general privilege of human civilization.
Bourgeois feminism gloats over abortion victories but ignores the everyday evil of capitalism. And ,of course, born people haters always gloat over less people. Malthus be praised !

American Catholicism is the most odious example of a professed " universal " church being poisoned by toxic nationalism. Recall just one outstanding figure : Francis Cardinal Spellman who blessed the criminal Vietnam War and the cold war against " godless communism ". You could say the Catholic Church in America over-adapted to capitalism, imperialism, and the " ruling ideas " of the mostly WASP ruling class.
Also ,what do Catholic chaplains do in the military besides grease the murderous machinery of war - a sort of extreme unction ?
You would think that an old fashioned ( Old Europe ? ) Catholic would have nothing to do with the military, with a permanent war machine.

Image result for Cardinal Spellman, the military
The brass salute  Cardinal Spellman 

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