Friday, May 11, 2018

As always CHANGE will have the last word - stubbornly PROGRESSIVE change

" No less worrying for Tehran is Russia’s complicity in Wednesday’s Israeli attack, which was clearly given a greenlight by Moscow during the ten hours that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier the same day. "

      During the Cold War ruling class voices condemned the Soviet Union as representing " godless communism " in contrast to their God fearing, crusading capitalist imperialism. GOD was definitely on their side.

              Now today's politically correct American ruling class has consigned God to the junkyard of the New Atheism. Where is their secular inspiration for an ideological war against the wealthy Russian capitalists ? Our ruling class plutocracy is on a higher moral level, our American Constitution - still so much respected by Democrats and Republicans - is crushingly superior to all other bourgeois government constitutions around the world ? Our public officials lose sleep at night worried that the sacrosanct LAW is being violated - even as they turn their beloved USA into a police state.
What false phrases can American ruling class propaganda put into the heads of naïve-soon to die- military recruits ? The old Wilsonian blather still works ? The gospel of American " exceptionalism "   ?
Russia might have more fighting inspiration under the banner of " Holy Mother Russia " blessed by the ghost of Rasputin and a revived Orthodox Church.

            With all due respect , our " Founding Fathers " are as useful as Nostradamus in saving the world from decaying capitalism. Way back in the 1930s Leon Trotsky made them seem as out of touch with reality as pre-Copernican astronomy. Imagine a political system designed to protect PRIVATE PROPERTY rights forever ?

                   Bourgeois social science today is mostly obscurantist drivel : CAPITALISM = ETERNAL WISDOM blessed by the INVISIBLE ( divine ? ) HAND of the FREE MARKET .
As always CHANGE will have the last word. Stubbornly PROGRESSIVE change .

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