Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jewish intellectuals still free to speak out against Zionist fascism

Both the language and actions of Tel Aviv give the distinct impression that large sections of the Israeli state and military would not hesitate to implement, in the language of the 1930s, a “final solution” to the Palestinian question."

                 This has been building up for decades. Without exaggeration, turn the radio channels at random and you will -all too frequently - hear some professional Zionist or passionate " friend of Israel " cogitating on the right imperialist war strategy for World War III or condemning even restrained criticism of Israel as deplorable " anti-Semitism ". And they sound all puffed up with arrogance and a feeling of superiority. As if they now want in on " white supremacy ".

                  I keep wanting to hear from courageous anti-Zionist Jews but I have been disappointed.
After World War II the famous scientist Albert Einstein - a socialist who believed in Spinoza's God- mentally traumatized by the Holocaust- condemned the German people as a whole for the Nazi-Hitler nightmare. Here, of course, he was wrong. The German working class and German socialists and communists were the very first victims of the Nazi regime.

                Intellectual Jews in Israel are not fleeing from persecution in the United States or Europe. They are still free to speak out against Zionist fascism. A good conscience is worth much more than a false ,earthly paradise.



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