Saturday, May 26, 2018

" Let he who is without sin cast the first stone "

Discussion on World Socialist Web Site   

Producer Harvey Weinstein surrenders to police, charged in New York City


Imagine a country where VIAGRA is advertised by a sleazy female voice on radio ten times a day now regressing to the old Puritanism of " The Scarlett Letter " ?

           I myself think that Lucretius in his classic poem " On the Nature of Things " best explained the insanity of sex addiction. This emotion - as Freud observed - is best " sublimated " into some creative activity.

             Capitalist advertising exploits human sexuality 24 hours a day. I first learned this as a teenager from Vance Packard's book " The Hidden Persuaders ". Also Packard's book " The Status Seekers " was good mental preparation for the " Communist Manifesto "
Since when is the LUST of upper class PRIVILEGED males worthy of front page news ? The root of evil here is CLASS privilege. But I always felt sorry for ANYBODY caught in the machinery of bourgeois LAW.

            In the past working class women -lacking in narcissistic ambition - just said NO. And there was a supporting cast in their lives of decent male friends who got the point across. RAPE was always a vile crime !

      This sexual McCarthyism can only backfire on the opportunists playing with it. " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone " .

Image result for the hidden persuaders vance packard

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