Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Working class Americans not stupefied by the religion of " patriotism
" NEED to know all about the dark side of the USA - really not much
beyond their personal experience. And they deeply appreciate THE TRUTH-
which itself is explosive and revolutionary.
The pseudo-Left
believe in everything but class struggle, MASS ACTION politics. Their
socially ambitious activists believe in elitist intrigue and also
foolishly believe that THEY have friends in high places.
I once read this explanation of the " secret " of the success of
the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917: they had numerous
friends in very low places, among the most exploited and oppressed
workers and peasants.
What do we hear from the likes of "
socialist "Bernie Sanders and " progressive " Elizabeth Warren :
hysterical calls to " save the middle class ". Not exactly a slogan for
the Socialist Equality Party.
A simple slogan for the coming American revolution : WE DON'T NEED THE RICH !
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