Thursday, July 20, 2017

A fascinating You Tube comment on " life lacks edge " today

The past in old photos

John Cunningham
 [I don't care if the past had issues and was filled with strife. It's no different today, and at least the past was "real", at least the people were real and life wasn't lived through a screen, exactly as I'm living it this very moment. Whenever you see photos of the past, they just reek with authenticity, with humanity. When I walk around today, life lacks that edge. Everything feels artificial--so void of soul and utterly bureaucratic; standards have dropped and quality has been saturated with just... I don't even know what it is. There's just something utterly missing about modern society. Oh how I rue the day I was born in the internet age. Sure, the past had its fair share of problems, but at least it was authentic.]

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