Monday, July 31, 2017

Harvard Psychiatrist: How Trump's Speech Was Toxic For Boy Scouts Beyond 'Rhetoric'

DNC based " identity politics " , their New McCarthyism , the Hillary appeal to ambitious girls does not smack of indoctrination ? No shades of gray in the neo-liberal mainstream news media telling us every day that the Russians sabotaged the 2016 election ?

On the Left myself I concluded long ago that American psychiatry is a corrupt tool of the Establishment that clearly favored " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary " - a SUCCESS model for bourgeois feminists in all countries.

Professional psychiatrists and psychologists " advise " the CIA and the Pentagon on the best way to interrogate ( torture ) prisoners of war.

American psychiatry has no quarrel with our insane - and most unjust - capitalist society.
These so called experts on the mind should all be ashamed of themselves. In them Ayn Rand's virtue of selfishness gets modified only by the virtue of conformity.

If you question the capitalist economic order, most of them will wonder if you " took your meds " that day.

Has Psychiatry Been Corrupted Beyond Repair? | Psychology Today
Sep 15, 2011 - These articles appeared in top journals including the American Journal of Psychiatry and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Analysts: North Korea Improves Its Capabilities With Each Missile Test

The crisis of threatening North Korean nuclear weapons as seen through the hawk eyes of " The Arrogance of Power " ? . Why not begin with a call for world wide nuclear disarmament ?

I recall the BAN THE BOMB demonstrations of the 60s - in which prominent " public intellectuals " like the Nobel Prize winners Linus Paul and British philosopher Bertrand Russell played a prominent role. No bold intellectuals surfacing here in the USA.

Even one nuclear bomb dropped on ANY major city will trigger a chaos of calamities.

Don't expect ANY Democrat to call for peace AND disarmament Presently their " thing " is this hateful , HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friend Ron Marshall's 1982 Letter-to-Editor still relevant in Trump Era 2017

'right to suffer' among the poor

View Article
Providence Journal (RI) - June 29, 1982

During the Eisenhower years, then Presidential Assistant Howard Pyle stated: "The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy."

This would serve as merely an absurd historical anecdote were it not that it seems to reflect perfectly a reactionary sentiment being carried on into the present by Ronald Reagan and his so-called "cowboy cabinet."

The "cowboy" (or kitchen) cabinet is, as reported by Robert Magnuson of the Los Angeles Times in his article in the May 30 Providence Sunday Journal, "a coterie of mostly rich businessmen who have helped shape Mr. Reagan's political career and have offered him advice from time to time on how to manage the economy, foreign policy and other affairs of state."

While a record number of small businesses have been ruined by a depressed (free?) economy and millions of Americans are reduced to begging for something as basic as jobs, "cowboys" like Earle M. Jergensen are virtually unaffected by the recession and are making profits hand over fist. You see, it pays to be in the "right"class.

Today few Americans suffer under the delusion that Reagan and his government represent the interests of working people. We are becoming increasingly aware that this is indeed a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. And for the rich it means that the sacred right to make a profit is preeminent and secure and for the poor who have no security - the right to suffer]

Ronald F. Marshall
A soldier's soldier,' Michael Flynn excelled in the military

" Hate Russia " ? But for what ? Why smear General Michael Flynn ? HE conspired to deprive us of dear " Hawk Hillary " ruling the Empire from the White House ?

Image result for General Michael Flynn, traitor ?
In truth a victim of the New McCarthyism
Letter: Jim Fitzpatrick: American voters should reject do-nothing incumbents

GOP Health Care Bill Defeated Again, As McCain Votes No

Did the Founding Fathers- who were not too shy about invoking God- set themselves up as the highest authority on human rights - which could not have included the right to health care before it even became a science ?

Did Julius Caesar have a right to be treated for epilepsy ? All the gold in the world could not bring modern medical science to Caesar in the year 44BC ?
  • Human rights are determined by both collective human knowledge and changing human social relationships.

    To be sure, there is no RIGHT TO LIFE in Darwinian nature. But humans have evolved a HUMAN culture which long ago raised us above the beasts.

    " Rights " are determined in this evolving context - not by a few wise men or by semi-divine documents written decades ago.

    Do the Hillary Democrats take the Geneva Convention seriously ? Then why oh why do so many on the Left think Hillary Clinton , " Hawk Hillary " is a war criminal ?

Does the WSWS write about Leon Trotsky? Not according to Google

I must right here express my gratitude to the World Socialist Web Site for defending the historical reputation of Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin and numerous other fighters for the working class- whose ONLY personal agenda was revolutionary socialism.

 I don't have any magic ideological compass that tells me which groups on the LEFT get it right - other than my own background knowledge ( checked and re-checked ) and something Trotsky would call the "class instinct " of the oppressed.

You are spot on to expose the bias of Google - even though this behavior is to be expected from  a giant for-profit enterprise.

GOP Health Care Bill Defeated Again, As McCain Votes No

If you can't or won't believe in the divine dignity of human beings, then the only source for guidance in human rights is the social evolution of the human race. Ancient society thought slavery was the divine right of the master class. Modern capitalist society normalizes wage slavery-which only socialism will abolish.

If you do not believe in God, then there goes your divine authority for PRIVATE PROPERTY right. The masses in motion can just take your CAPITAL away from you, with no compensation and no apologies.

The Ayn Rand fanatics don't quite grasp the social significance of " IN GOD WE TRUST ".

How many " problems " arise simply because PRIVATE PROPERTY is taken for granted as an absolute right ?

Friday, July 28, 2017

Recent wise opinion from Ralph Nader

  [From Lincoln to Einstein, we have been counseled that new situations require new thinking. A massive reversal of our world’s priorities toward reverence for life and posterity, toward diplomacy and waging peace, toward legal and ethical frameworks for exploding science and technology (including biotechnology and nanotechology) must receive our focus, from families nurturing their children to the philosophers, ethical specialists, engineers and scientists pausing from their exponential discoveries to ponder the serious adverse consequences of their creations.

Our present educational systems – from Harvard Law School, MIT to K-12 – are not rising to these occasions for survival. Our mass media, wallowing in trivia, entertainment, advertisements and political insults, is not holding the politicians accountable to serious levels of public trust and societal safety. 

Time for new movements awakening our best angels to foresee and forestall. Do any potential leaders at all levels want to be first responders? ]

GOP Health Care Bill Defeated Again, As McCain Votes No

At least in the past decade the American people have made a collective conscience decision that health care is a basic human right - not really a market place commodity.
  • The price of a commodity fluctuates with supply and demand. Democratic socialists have been convinced for years that capitalist profit rights are more and more incompatible with human rights.

    Of course , as a COMMODITY ( market place health insurance ) Obamacare is the Edsel in the car lot. A sane socialist society of the future will end MONEY RIGHT -on all fronts.

    Only the democracy of the street ( MASS ACTION ) can check these bipartisan attacks on working class people in the United States. No hero Democrats here.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Letter: Arthur D'Amario III: Religious beliefs are not a justification for breaking law

Mueller's Following The Money On Trump And Russia

The only real " collusion " activity : the mainstream news media is colluding with the CIA to discredit the Trump administration - not for its anti-working class agenda ( the same as the Democrats ) - but for its reluctance to start nuclear World War III with post-communist , now CAPITALIST Russia.

The New McCarthyism will only self-destruct the Democratic Party and the FAKE NEW media led by the New York Times.

In all probability Trump will be a two term president- unless a real mass movement recreates " popular democracy " in America. Forget about the new cold warriors Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren- now just old New Democrats.

RI Water Safety: New Tap Water Database

PUBLIC HEALTH is a very low priority for a political system designed to serve the economic interests of the very wealthy.

  Conservative talk radio advertising always recommends private solutions to contaminated city tap water: go out and buy a fine new filtration system . Of course, they will reprimand the people -white, black, Latino - living in poor neighborhoods , if they believe they are entitled to healthy drinking water.

A capitalist society with complete contempt for the lives of working class people . Is that what our glorious military might defends ?

American ruling class and Google try to quarantine the very IDEA of socialism

New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites

The American ruling class simply cannot rule its empire by force alone. It must add skilled lying to its daily brutality. When I comment on other web sites, I am frequently trolled if I mention my " socialism " : " Have you taken your meds this morning ? " .

I just suggest they check out the World Socialist Web Site. There are no " meds " for a sick society. Naturally the ruling class prefers to quarantine - as much as possible- ideas hostile to capitalist class rule. Ideas that make more sense to the working class masses- when they do get a hearing.

Deeply appreciated : daily articles like the above. May THE FORCE ( whatever ) be with you in fighting THE EMPIRE.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Neo-Democrats offer us a phony " better deal "

Does It Matter If Trump Jr., Manafort Are Under Oath When They Talk To Congress?

It is rather ironic for democratic socialists to have to defend the Trump administration officials against the insinuation - soon the CHARGE - of treason .

And the source ? " Liberal " Democrats now promoting a sick and baseless -and war mongering - New McCarthyism.

    May I suggest as a truly patriotic citizen that nuclear World War III is not a " better deal " for working class Americans ?

      It would be better if the neo-Democrats rediscovered the New Deal values before offering us a phony " better deal ".
Image result for " Better Deal " Democrats
After betraying the New Deal ?

Monday, July 24, 2017

Raimondo's future fortunes are all the talk
Governor Gina Raimondo has led the attack on working class people in Rhode Island, on the poor , the elderly , the jobless, the homeless - and without any naughty right wing Republicans to push her in a reactionary direction.
 So she does have a bright future serving the Money God - who also has a shrine in Planned Parenthood. The Czar  and the Czarina of Russia were also an oblivious high powered couple.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Now that was a " better deal " back then.  

Image result for headline Czar family shot

    Our plutocracy is more moral than the Russian plutocracy ?

    I am amazed by these so called " liberals " who cannot explain in one coherent paragraph the reasons for this belligerence toward post-communist, now CAPITALIST Russia . Our plutocracy is more moral than their plutocracy ? Why should working class Americans support an insane future war with Russia ?

           This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

           Remember this : " Workers of the world unite " ?

    (front page)   THE MILITANT

       " Liberals furor against Trump reflects fear of
    working class

    Why are liberal Democrats, some Republican politicians and most of the mainstream capitalist media continuing to promote the witch hunt against President Donald Trump? Why can’t they accommodate themselves to work with his administration? After all, he’s one of their own: A wealthy capitalist seeking to advance the interests of U.S. capital at home and abroad  ]

    Senator McCain knew in his heart that " war is hell "

      Any sincere pacifist understands that personal hatred - even though all too human - is useless in political movements.I note that the Democratic Party has quickly evolved into a neo-con , war mongering party .

     Does the good professor go along with their Russia hating New McCarthyism ? Was he perhaps himself a pro-Hillary warrior ?

               Near death we are all alike - desperately in need of a loving God's mercy. And just in need of the human touch, people there for you whatever your imperfections .

             Senator McCain must have known in his heart that " war is hell " .

     [ Professor Jonathan Graubart Miffed At Good Wishes Sent To ‘War Criminal’ McCain ]

    Father Of Girl Ticketed For Selling Lemonade Responds To Supporters: 'Make A Stand'

    Of course, there will be much public sympathy for this little girl with a mini-enterprise selling lemonade . More pernicious is the idea that the state is not needed to check on private enterprise.

    We live in the golden age of the swindler. And corrupt CEOs are indeed a menace to public health and public wealth. As a democratic socialist I would not blindly trust ANY for profit enterprise.

    And lemonade is no exception. Presently I wish I could get some coffee in my Dunkin Donuts ice coffee. And more soap in that Dial Soap. How pure is the water in Poland Spring Water ?

    The state should also be honest about how much lead is in our tap water. Why can't poor people drink clean , healthy water ?

    Image result for Too much ice in the ice coffee
    Have some coffee with your ice ?

    Jared Kushner Says 'I Did Not Collude' Ahead Of Senate Committee Appearance

    The mainstream news media - under the guidance of the CIA and the neo-con , war mongering Democratic Party-is re-creating the atmosphere of the old cold war McCarthyism. We are being bludgeoned with the idea that post-communist Russia is still our " enemy " - without any respectable journalists making the case.

     This New McCarthyism is a bold mega lie Orwellian experiment. But it won't work. The Internet corrects ALL BIG LIES in this new century -and rather quickly.

    The FAKE NEWS media -and the " liberal " Democrats - are self-destructing. The American working class will have the last laugh on the crazed war mongers for nuclear World War III.

    Nobody will show up ! And the Democrats will not regain power lost in 2018.

    Sunday, July 23, 2017

    A general prejudice against Jews is tantamount to a cultural lobotomy

    City Posts Signs Depicting How To Help Diffuse Islamophobic Situations

    I don't see how any politically literate person -or any literate person- can have a general hostility to the Jewish people who have contributed so much to Western Civilization .

    It is as if you despised all Italians because of the notorious Mafia .

    I myself am critical of Zionist Israel but have no interest in being culturally lobotomized.

    Read some of the essays on Zionism by the late professor Howard Zinn of Harvard.

    Image result for Jewish contributions to Western Civilization

    Friday, July 21, 2017

    The tragedy my old blue collar neighborhood Washington Park

    The murder of Justine Damond and police violence in America

    One reason why I voted for Niles Niemuth in the 2016 presidential election. Not trusting the corrupt state of Rhode Island I took a digital photo of my ballot.

    Way back in early 70s my working class pals in the Washington Park area of Providence - often unemployed because blue collar factory work was dying out- were regular victims of police brutality -despite being big , tough, and Irish ( like the Providence cops ) .

    Al was a Vietnam War veteran nicknamed " Tail Gunner Al " . Al  ( also nicknamed named " The Kind V " ) became a hopeless drug addict and alcoholic. He died of a heart attack more than 20 years ago. I read a note left at his graveside . Al was always refraining : " There is no justice ! "

    The note read : " Al, I hope you find justice in the next world."

    Al's close friend Tommy- once battered senseless by the cops- ( too much Wild Irish Rose ) died not long after.

    By 1973 my more sober and disciplined friends were literally walking over the " Washington Park Zombies " to get into their apartments.

    I met one " Joanie " in Kennedy Plaza a few days ago.She just got out of Butler mental hospital. Toothless at age 60 , she asked me for two dollars - for cigarettes sold singly , I guess. I remember her as a rather lovely girl of 16 in the local coffee shop.

    So many wasted , wasted lives in once thriving Washington Park.

    I recall the " Officer Friendly " there who visited the elementary schools to tell the kids what the police were all about.
    Image result for officer friendly program

    Broad Street School was renamed some years ago after a local " philanthropist ".. This Mr. Feinstein has his name inscribed on many buildings along with his words of wisdom - worthy of Andrew Carnegie.

    Image result for Broad Street School , Providence , RI
    My Broad Street School now Alan Shawn Feinstein School

    Can't we nationalize the New York Times and put the PUBLIC back in public radio ?

    Trump's Recently Disclosed Putin Conversation Is 'Nixon All Over Again'

    How long does the CIA/ DNC mainstream news media think it can promote the New McCarthyism ? Its contempt for the intelligence of working class Americans is nothing less than breathtaking.
    We know why " Corrupt Hillary " lost the election, don't we ? And Vladimir Putin had nothing to do with it.
    • With a presidential tweak Donald Trump can invite millions of Americans into the street to have the last word on this nonsense with the very unprofessional press.

      Can't we nationalize the New York Times ? And put back the PUBLIC in public radio

    Thursday, July 20, 2017

    A fascinating You Tube comment on " life lacks edge " today

    The past in old photos

    John Cunningham
     [I don't care if the past had issues and was filled with strife. It's no different today, and at least the past was "real", at least the people were real and life wasn't lived through a screen, exactly as I'm living it this very moment. Whenever you see photos of the past, they just reek with authenticity, with humanity. When I walk around today, life lacks that edge. Everything feels artificial--so void of soul and utterly bureaucratic; standards have dropped and quality has been saturated with just... I don't even know what it is. There's just something utterly missing about modern society. Oh how I rue the day I was born in the internet age. Sure, the past had its fair share of problems, but at least it was authentic.]

    " Atheists of the world unite ! " How does that sound as a REVOLUTIONARY slogan ?

    An excellent analysis here of the pseudo- Left. I recall the New Left of the 60s -much sharper than today's pseudo-Left- still betraying an alienation from working class America. So they ended up demoralized by 1972 ( the re-election of Nixon ). And they broke up into New Left Democrats and the infamous " Weather Underground " - that imagined home made bombs were a short cut to a saner society.

    What I find hard to understand is the phoniness of the pseudo-Left. Why not just call themselves " liberals " who want to reform capitalism ?

    No honest socialist will condone support for imperialist wars or try to win the favor of any capitalist.

    No honest socialist will find it difficult to communicate and empathize with " The Dispossessed ".

    The pseudo-Left deplores any and every violation of political correctness- except old fashioned snobbery against white working class " deplorables ".

      The pseudo-left fits in with the New Atheists in their contempt for ordinary ( non-offensive ) religious freedom.

    They invariably find the Catholic Church " hateful " but they themselves hardly rise to the level of traditional Catholic social philosophy.

    I recall Trotsky - himself a militant atheist- saying that the Gospel was also " explosive ". I don't think this revolutionary genius would brush off millions of working class Christians.

    " Atheists of the world unite ! " . How does that sound ?

      Facebook blocks conservative Catholic pages, calls it a ‘malfunction’

      On the Left myself I deplore this brainless censorship of the very language of Catholicism - a major world religion. The New Atheism gets to determine the criterion of hatefulness ?

      • Wednesday, July 19, 2017

        Letter: Biagio Trofa: R.I.'s easy gambling money won't keep flowing

        Under threat most human beings will stick to their tribe .... But ?

        Under a clear threat of annihilation or attack most human beings will stick to their tribe. But when the tribe is a modern nation state with a nuclear arsenal it pays to distance oneself from wherever " ignorant armies clash in the night ".
         A democratic socialist myself I see no profound reason why we can't " all get along ". I too make no apologies for my Roman and British Empire ancestors and I am rather fond of the Western Tradition - as explained by British philosopher Bertrand Russell.
         I also reject the hateful New Atheist rants against the Catholic Church. More and more I find myself in agreement with the intelligent and inspired pacifism of A.J. Muste . Nobody will WIN a nuclear war. So can't we all get along ?
         And yes, Saudi Arabia should become the PROMISED LAND for all those Muslim immigrants or refugees unwilling or unable to assimilate themselves into Western Civilization culture.
         My own political tradition does not passively accept gross economic inequality or the divine right of CAPITAL. It is often congruous with Catholic social philosophy.
         Working class people have no stake in bloody and criminal imperialist wars.Or in brainless racial or ethnic superiority. Also we must absolutely defend YOUR free speech rights !

        Image result for where ignorant armies clash in the night

        Poll shows 76 percent of Americans fear a major war

        How ironic that the most formally educated Americans are the very ones most easily stupefied by mainstream news media war propaganda and endless boosting of the capitalist " way of life ". PRIVILEGE and love of comfort corrupts !

        You rarely get a peep out of public school teachers in those on line COMMENT opportunities.Most college professors are equally docile and subservient to the " ideas of the ruling class ".

        Yet privately many sadly admit fear of Big Brother.
        Right wing talk show hosts on " Red Eye " radio recently mocked young Americans for increasingly favoring " socialism " without knowing how pernicious it is ( to THEIR ruling class masters ).

        But to the youth belongs that " radiant socialist future " ( Trotsky ).
        Image result for red eye radio eric and gary

        There was a bit of the Old Testament prophet in Karl Marx

        • Karl Marx - " The Eternal Jew " ( translation ). We democratic socialists credit Karl Marx with the first scientific insight into this exploiting, oppressive capitalist system - which now threatens all life on earth.

          No doubt those Old Testament prophets were a spiritual influence on the young Marx when he began his erudite investigations. The horrors of the Industrial Revolution haunt Das Kapital.

          You can read Erich Fromm on the connection between Marxism and Judaism. Fromm wrote " The Sane Society " , " The Art of Loving " , " The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness ". He described himself as a socialist humanist.

           Too many intellectual Jews today - stupefied by Zionism - are not even humanist liberals. We hope to hear from more socialist Jews. I recall the late Harvard professor Howard Zinn - with deep appreciation.

          Image result for Karl Marx, The Old Testament

        Islam : " The Hate that Hate Produced " ?

        Carl Jung on the Catholic doctrine of the Virgin Mary
        There is no lack of hatefulness in the Old Testament. Read Isaac Asimov's " Guide to the Bible ". Asimov was always polite and respectful but he did not read the Judeo-Christian Holy Book with brain dead attention.

         Catholics are more spiritually oriented toward the New Testament epiphanies- and the ancient dogma of the Virgin Mary ( which intrigued the psychiatrist Carl Jung. We all love kind, gentle MOTHER ! And maybe Papa will listen to HER ? )

        What Christian or Jew today takes serious the Biblical warning : " Do not a suffer a witch to live ". ? It seems that many Christian and Jewish " liberals " still believe in the witch hunt ( now the New McCarthyism ).

        Just re-read the " Autobiography of Malcolm X " and note how the religion of Islam saved him and many of his black brothers and sisters from a life of self-hating degradation.

              Why  Islam in just the last few decades seems to be a religion of hate is explained by the very title of early news media articles on  Malcolm X and the Black Muslim movement in the early 60s : " The hate that hate produced " ( Mike Wallace ) .

        You start to hurt any people and smear their religion and they fight back. The Jews can understand that.

        Black Liberation Theology is a part of the Black Nationalist cult movement. Even the founder in the 1920's of ...

        Tuesday, July 18, 2017

        I object to " God is Dead " nihilism- on the LEFT

        A very thought provoking film. On the Left myself I do see " identity politics " decadence as destroying the human soul.

        I don't see how the toleration of a decadent economic elite will make possible any metaphysical TRANSCENDENCE in human life.

             I am disgusted with any political philosophy that rejects objective reality , ironically the LAW OF IDENTITY in formal logic : A=A , a man is a man , a woman is a woman.

        I object to the " deconstruction " of  great literature, to the " deconstruction " of human soul.

          I object to " God is Dead " nihilism. I object to endless " politically correct " bashing of Western Civilization ( beginning with demonization of Christopher Columbus and Christianity ).

        I object to hateful and home wrecking bourgeois feminism. I object to the voices of the black bourgeoisie endlessly  " unmasking " the nth dimension of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

        And decadent gay people  seeking the nth dimension of gay liberation- with no sense at all for public obscenity- symbolized by leaving condoms on the steps of a Catholic cathedral or harassing devout old Catholics on their way to Sunday mass.

              Modern Science could only have originated with " The Wisdom of the West  " ( Bertrand Russell ).
           Modern decadence must have the same source - but here as a tragic flaw.

        I agree with Malcolm that Islam is fundamentally a " religion of peace "

        City Posts Signs Depicting How To Help Diffuse Islamophobic Situations

        Does it ever occur to " identity politics " fanatics that the much maligned Christian religion - including that old Catholic Baltimore Catechism- instructed young people always to show love and compassion for " the stranger " ? And I don't recall an iota of anti-Semitism in parochial schools in 50s or 60s - the " golden age of American Catholicism ".

        I agree with Black Muslim Malcolm X ( 1965) that Islam is fundamentally " a religion of peace ".
        Malcolm X did make a connect between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism.

        Since 1848 traditional Marxism has been calling ALL the workers of the world " brothers and sisters ". Guess who was involved in the assassination of Malcolm X ?

        The FBI - now slobbered over by " progressive " Democrats .