Friday, March 4, 2022

Were the common people of the Ukraine languishing with a longing for a NATO alliance ? What more could they want than a ZIONIST Jew president a little too eager for dear NATO alliance


I am one of those " Americans across the country " . At age 74 I recall all the huge anti-war demonstrations in the nation's capital in the " Tumultuous Sixties " . It does seem that young people had greater CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS back then. We would never let Wilsonian blather about SOVEREIGN NATION, " OUR democracy ", " FREE WORLD " bamboozle us into support for another stupid American imperialist war. Were the common people of the Ukraine languishing with a longing for a NATO alliance ? What more could they want than a ZIONIST Jew president a little too eager for dear NATO alliance . A million fleeing Ukrainians have undying affection for the comedian Zerlinsky ? The rest of the population is insanely eager to oppose Russian tanks and missiles with shaking fists and Molotov cocktails ?

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