Monday, March 14, 2022

The New America -from CLASS SOCIETY to CASTE SYSTEM ?


In the past few decades it seems that there has been a sea change in the American ruling class. Few writers -like Gore Vidal - had an opportunity to view this ruling class up close and personal. Vidal observed the growing influence of neo-con ZIONIST Jews at the top of the privileged social order. These privileged upper class Jews - mostly non-religious , indeed hostile to religion - have changed the WASP profile of the American ruling class . In that sense they have become FINALLY " first class citizens ".
But in " Our democracy ' just who is consigned to second class , third class citizenship ? Are those sociologists brand " UNDER-CLASS " the lowest part of a New America Caste System ? Here your very appearance , unhealthy looks , shabby clothes , and rotting teeth, and low-life English should IDENTIFY you sufficiently -if not for voting privileges.
As a designated member of the UNDERCLASS you have nobody to blame but yourself . Your CHOICE of the wrong parents , you see. No upward mobility in a CASTE system !

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