Saturday, March 12, 2022

In recent decades there has been a sea change in the American ruling class


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Yes, and the war propaganda coming out of the White House and the Pentagon is crude Wilsonian blather: ALL America's wars are for " TRUTH , JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY. We are always defending the sacred ideal of FREEDOM ( they never reflect on the core meaning of these buzz words ) ; defending SOVEREIGN nations on all continents. And recall that Russia is now a POST-COMMUNIST Russia. So how is our plutocracy more " democratic " than the Russian oligarchy ? This present day WILSONIAN blather has none of the subtlety of the old COLD WAR propaganda. Back then the American capitalist ruling class was offended not so much by dictatorship in Russia ( under Stalin quite true ) but by the anti-capitalist, pro-socialist ideology of Marxism ( distorted as it was in the old Soviet Union ) . Also, our mostly WASP ruling class resented the OFFICIAL ATHEISM of Russia and so did mostly Catholic Old Europe. Our ruling class never had any problem with other dictatorships around the world , in Asia and in Latin America, in the Middle East.
In the past few decades it seems that there has been a sea change in the American ruling class. Few writers -like Gore Vidal - had an opportunity to view this ruling class up close and personal. Vidal observed the growing influence of neo-con ZIONIST Jews at the top of the privileged social order. And the Democratic Party now seems openly hostile not just to the Catholic Church but to Christianity and RELIGION in general. All these WOKE ideas have no roots in any of the major religions of humanity. Indeed it seems that " progressive " WOKE Democrats are in a truly unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheism . And contempt for God is a big factor in the present crime wave and in all forms of social decadence.
" OUR democracy " now has very little to inspire the so called FREE WORLD. And it will never be able to revive effete , moribund , rotting NATO. I find it very hard to believe that ordinary Ukrainians - as refugees they look the picture of good health - were languishing with a longing for a fatuous and dangerous alliance with NATO.
It would take a Pentagon war propaganda genius to stir up in the American working class war fever over SOVEREIGN Ukraine!

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