What if POST-COMMUNIST Russia is forced to return to modern Russia's roots : the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution which did indeed inspire the workers of the whole world ? So much so that the West- including the United States and the British Empire sent an Army of Counter-Revolution to crush. it. THEY LOST to the heroic Red Army led by that rebellious Jew Leon Trotsky. As a democratic socialist who has opposed American imperialist wars all my life I would find the New Bolshevism in POST-PUTIN Russia a positive development .
What happened to the revolutionary Russia of 1917 was explained by Leon Trotsky soon in exile . He wrote " The Revolutionary Betrayed ". Stalin had Trotsky assassinated in Mexico in 1940. The capitalist West breathed a sigh of relief. Now they could attend to a second world war.
Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ? Are our plutocrats on a higher moral level than Putin oligarchs ? Are THEY worth dying for ?
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