Wednesday, March 16, 2022


COMMENT REMOVED ( not mine ) ?
["Zelensky is a professional actor. This makes him a professional liar. Russia is flushing the toilet on the deep-state money-laundering apparatus created by Obama, Biden and Clinton in 2013. Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world especially after the coup orchestrated by DEMOCRATS and a few RINOs (McCain, etc.). It does contain bio-weapon labs funded by the USA in concert with evil deep-state operatives. This was confirmed under oath in the US senate last week. Ukraine does have a neo-Nazi military unit that is threatening Russia at their border. These neo-Nazis were also promoted and funded by DEMOCRATS in 2013 and beyond. Please can anyone think for themselves anymore? Quit lapping up the half-truths and lies from the media. Do some research: start with Oliver Stone's "Revealing Ukraine" and "Ukraine on Fire". After watching these documentaries by the liberal Stone you will understand that Russia's mission is just and needed, though the loss of civilian life (exaggerated by the leftist media) is tragic. "]

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