Friday, February 12, 2016

Does anybody remember Norman Thomas of the Socialist Party ?

As a democratic socialist ( independent ) myself I am a critical supporter of "socialist" Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Also a registered Democrat I understand the "pragmatic" politics argument. I will vote for "socialist" Bernie in our Rhode Island primary. But if you want to learn more about the all-American brand of socialism, you should read the speeches of Eugene V. Debs or even Norman Thomas of the Socialist Party.

Does anybody remember Norman Thomas? Thomas was closer to Bernie Sanders in temperament than the fiery radical Eugene V. Debs.

Being a life long "socialist" is hardly a single issue obsession. What social , economic, political issue is not connected to the capitalist economic disorder? Even the ecological crisis of planet Earth is connected to " limits of growth "? Does capitalist production for profit acknowledge "limits of growth"?

Would a socialist America have a belligerent foreign policy? Would a socialist America let millions of citizens be jobless or homeless- and basically hopeless?

How can Hillary or  other American presidential candidates call themselves " progressive "  without questioning the moral legitimacy of even "legitimate" wealth?

Real socialists would make our ruling class very, very, nervous, in fact, would let them tremble.

One way to make a Sanders' "political revolution" peaceful would be to win over our now ruined middle class. But are they listening -with more enthusiasm- to Republican Donald Trump?

Not for nothing Hitler called his reactionary program in Nazi Germany "National Socialism."
Not a few working class Germans were fooled.

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