Thursday, November 29, 2001

Release all Islamic political prisoners !

As a citizen of the United States - and a regular voter ( with no

    problems with the law )  - I am appalled by the number of Islamic political

    prisoners - most of them  with no terrorist history - languishing in our

    prisons which  groups like Amnesty International have already branded an

    insult to humanity.

               FREE THEM ALL - if the government has no solid evidence against

    them. Clearly the injustice of this is breeding FUTURE terrorists !

            And I am appalled by letter writers who say  we must not rule out

    torture. Imagine torturing  HUNDREDS of innocents . By the same logic any

    fanatic with a sacred cause could not rule out terrorism .

                     George W. Bush is a barely legitimate president. And now

    he wants truly extraordinary powers.  This life long drunk will let all

    that power go to his head. His WAR AGAINST  TERRORISM will be a certain
