Sunday, July 31, 2022

RIPTA  bus 1087  Route 17 is stopped on Pocasset  Ave. to report a minor collision with a black car with a woman driver pulling out carelessly from a parking space. I took this bus only because RIPTA 30 was late at Kennedy Plaza or no show.The bus is finally moving again.


Screenshot (Jul 31, 2022 4:57:55 PM)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

As a lifelong democratic socialist I continue to be amazed how contemptuous of American soldiers as HUMAN BEINGS are the military industrial complex and forever PROFIT FIRST Corporate America. Our Memorial Days actually seem to honor WAR not the hapless veterans . Yet the stupid mainstream news media imagines that young working class CHRISTIANS in the United States can be easily recruited for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Bring " OUR democracy " to drive out Russia from the Ukraine ? After Vietnam, Afghanistan , Iraq " WE WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN " ??? The GOOD WAR - World War II- was won only with a horrendous crime against humanity : the atomic bombing of two Japanese ( some racism here ? ) cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The American ruling class has no moral authority to denounce Russian war crimes in Ukraine .

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit - July 2022 Update (7/28/22 in ...

Lying to us from the beginning about the COVID-19 Frankenstein virus !

The FOR PROFIT Corporate America medical establishment has been lying to us from the beginning about the COVID-19 Frankenstein virus .

" Biden tests positive for Covid-19 again

Biden tests positive for Covid-19 again U.S. President Joe Biden gestures as he delivers remarks on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 at the White House in Washington, U.S., July 28, 2022. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz BREAKING NEWS The President had previously returned to work earlier this week after testing negative
Jul 30, 2022 When I reached the OCEAN STATE ( Rhode Island ) ocean view I felt like the great explorer Balboa discovering the Pacific . Sort of a natural high !


Reflections looking over my 75th birthday cake

Jul 30, 2022 Friends and family are wishing me a happy 75 birthday . And it was pleasant enough. Looking down on the cake made by sister Rita , I reflect that the world I grew up in USA 1950s , 1960s and lived most of my adult life- the 1970s , 1980s, early 1990's- is GONE WITH THE WIND . And soon enough even I will be GONE WITH WIND !

A visit to my brother John's cottage by the sea and Salty Brine Beach in...

I recommend that the effete National Anthem of the United States be replace with Aaron Copland's " Fanfare for the Common Man "

Aaron Copland - Fanfare For The Common Man

Fwd: Message to war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky from working class CHRISTIAN USA

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2022 at 12:36
Subject: Message to war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky from working class CHRISTIAN USA
To: <>

Does the war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky really think he - the NATO puppet -can win a foolish war with Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Were ordinary working class Ukrainians - five million now exiled in Poland - longing for a dangerous and foolish alliance with effete , moribund , rotting NATO ?
Are working class CHRISTIANS in the USA cheer leading for Ukraine ? We are more concerned about the decay of " OUR democracy " at home and monstrous INFLATION and the coming GREAT DEPRESSION . The WOKE Democrats are oblivious to ordinary people .
   Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )

Does the war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky really think he - the NATO puppet -can win a foolish war with Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Were ordinary working class Ukrainians - five million now exiled in Poland - longing for a dangerous and foolish alliance with effete , moribund , rotting NATO ? Are working class CHRISTIANS in the USA cheer leading for Ukraine ? We are more concerned about the decay of " OUR democracy " at home and monstrous INFLATION and the coming GREAT DEPRESSION . The WOKE Democrats are oblivious to ordinary people .

Ukraine's Zelenskyy Says Over 31,000 Russian Troops Have Been Killed Sin...


My AGE 75 birthday cake is lit yesterday at youngest brother John's lovely cottage in near Galilee Village , ocean side Rhode Island . Just thinking : " The world I grew up in the USA of the 50s , 60s and lived most of my adult life in the 70s and 80s and early 90s is GONE WITH THE WIND. Our beloved father Domenic Ruggieri passed away in October of 1999. In a way it was good that he missed the past truly HORRIBLE quarter of century . Our beloved mother Janet lived - comforted by her family - until May 2011. One of Ma's more sardonic thoughts : " Life is a shit sandwich and every day you must take a bite ! " . Of course , Ma had happier loving thoughts .
Year 2022 finds independent socialist Radical Ron truly a lone wolf with intellectual ties to no political organization ( most Marxist parties have degenerated into bizarre personality cults with inner circles of neurotic Jews. HOPELESS ! ) and spiritual ties to no religious organization except the now fourth dimensional pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Could the mysterious SECOND COMING assume the form of a vengeful ( " Vengeance is the Lord's ! ) monster asteroid of a " color from outer space " ?
In a way I am my own version of Albert Camus' existential " Stranger " and H.P. Lovecraft's " Outsider ". And George Orwell's " Fugitive from the Camp of Victory " .
Almost Theodore Dreiser's " An American Tragedy ". Almost one of Jack London's " People of the Abyss ".
There but for the grace of God go I .
I am introduced to the beautiful , friendly dog " Luna " the beloved two year old pet of Allison Bashaw , daughter of my niece Michelle , the daughter of my " Big Brother " Rick . Here I tell " Luna " that I am going to make her a FACEBOOK star. To which she was kindly non-chalant .

A new FACEBOOK star dog named Luna

Friday, July 29, 2022

A mesmerizing voice of a Confederate soldier, Julius Franklin Howell (January 17, 1846 - June 19, 1948, who fought battles in the Civil War. He was hardly passionate about upholding the Southern slave system . He thought he was fighting just for " states rights ". I sensed no evil in this guy. Like most young men in combat everywhere - young and clueless ! A precious audio-archive of the American Civil War . The interview was in 1947 the year I was born .

Man Born in 1846 Talks About the 1860s and Fighting in the Civil War - R...

Why newspapers are cutting out opinion pieces and letters-to-the editor ? Nothing to do with Corporate America's war on FREE SPEECH ?

  "Gannett says its internal research — primarily reader surveys — suggests editorials, guest commentary columns, op-eds and letters to the editor have lost relevance in an age when opinions overflow on social media. Younger readers, according to the company, often can't tell the difference between news reporting and opinion, especially online, where stories appear outside traditional sections. Worse, readers often mistakenly believe that news stories are dictated by the paper's editorial side. "

You Tube comments on movie " Shoes of a Fisherman "

jslasher1 4 years ago I have always considered Anthony Quinn, alongside Burt Lancaster, to be Hollywood's greatest actor. He is superb in this film. guyfroml 10 years ago @shenkorer I agree. Quinn was the greatest all-around actor who could play any role of any ethnic background. I found it embarrassing that the Academy Awards never gave him a lifetime Oscar. Cameron C. McLeod, Sr. 9 years ago The speech of a man

In The Shoes of the Fisherman (Last Scene)

I can only applaud these anti-ZIONIST Jewish rabbis. As a democratic socialist I note that ZIONISM is also incompatible with socialist internationalism . The mainstream news media in the United States routinely equates anti-ZIONISM with anti-Semitism . To a sad degree arrogant ZIONISM has corrupted the once sensitive social conscience of many Jewish intellectuals . In his popular book " World of Our Fathers " Irving Howe documented the role radical leftist Jews played in the American labor movement at the turn of the century and during the Great Depression of the 1930. Among them were many followers of Karl Marx and students of his " DAS KAPITAL " in which he explained very lucidly the secrets of capitalist exploitation - the dirty secret behind capitalist PROFIT. And even today nobody who understands the ABCs of Marxism will support any imperialist wars - not even now over a SOVEREIGN ( ? ) Ukraine. In all countries democratic socialists support the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians - not Zionist APARTHEID Israel . We ask : how is the American plutocracy- or Israel's plutocracy - in any way morally superior to Putin's Russian oligarchy ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ?

Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel

[The Biden administration is leading the campaign to deny economic reality just as it is on COVID. At a press conference after the GDP figures were announced, Yellen said economists and most Americans had a definition of recession that included job losses and mass layoffs, private sector activity slowing considerably and “family budgets under immense strain,” and that is “not what we’re seeing right now.” ] FROM the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE The mentality of the American ruling class -not just its deranged WOKE ideology nonsense - seems to have a somewhat ( IVY League instructed ? ) philosophical basis in the bold denial of OBJECTIVE REALITY . The bourgeoisie could never face the fact of being HISTORICALLY DOOMED. With the collapse of the Soviet Union more than a generation ago they were euphoric with a feeling not of reprieve but of endless PROFIT FIRST , "free enterprise " bliss. But the inherent CONTRADICTIONS of capitalism are now in year 2022 back with vengeance. A=A until it no longer = A. All things come into existence and pass out of existence. Ask KING DINOSAUR ! Decaying capitalism operates out of mutually hostile nation-state alliances. It needs a sinister foreign enemy and prepares for apocalyptic nuclear World War III . Stay tuned !

President Biden Doesn't Think the Country Is Going into a Recession

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Any awake -in contrast to WOKE - American sociologist will observe that the pillars of WOKE ideology promoted in the nation's public schools are strikingly secular, anti-religious , often openly anti-CHRISTIAN , Zionist Jews. Find a self-respecting CHRISTIAN who can think and talk WOKE on all issues ? And a WOKE Catholic Church is a JOKE Catholic Church .

'Woke' school board faces challenge from parents

From the perspective of ZOOLOGY - and we humans are animals - reproducing the race is a fundamental activity of LIFE ON EARTH. But for thousands of years now CIVILIZATION and CLASS SOCIETY have poisoned the joy of love and family . For the capitalist wage slave Marriage & Family are another form of ball and chain. And yet what can arouse more affection and devotion in you than YOUR precious child ?

Kids don’t always make you happier. Here’s why people have them anyway. ...

A RATIONAL democratic socialist government USA would immediately cancel all MEGA-MILLIONS lotteries. Daily capitalist exploitation of the working class ( read Karl Marx's labor theory of value ) is bad enough . This legalized gambling insanity makes a mockery of all human EFFORT. More quickly and viciously than the IRS the democratic socialist USA will take back ALL BIG WINNER money . You think the present PROFIT tolerant IRS is nasty ? Also no more professional athlete millionaires. They can play for a modest LIVING !

Excitement is increasing in Baltimore for $830 Million Mega Millions jac...

RIPTA bus service in Rhode Island is pathetically inadequate . And RIPTA management is amazingly incompetent and unimaginative to run the present mess of a public transportation system adequately . Kennedy Plaza is now a nightmare of squalor and filth. You can't even get a printed bus schedule anymore in Kennedy Plaza .And EXACT CHANGE demanded on entering bus is another RIPTA RIP OFF . And the shelter electronic signs -most of them - say NO DATA . As for these public nuisance scooters and e-bikes they are chaotic substitute for now much maligned CO2 generating CAR. Soon no working class people can afford a car - not just idle young males. Years ago I gave up on cars . Read a book titled " Divorce Your Car " found on the shelves of the Cranston Public Library. As for the traditional BIKE - " I prefer not to " . Work well past retirement age to counter monster INFLATION ? " I prefer not to ".

Hundreds of more scooters and e-bikes in Providence

As a democratic socialist I can see how it would be wise to apply TERM LIMITS to all vocations professional or just skilled. The DIVISION OF LABOR is a necessary evil in capitalist society - inconceivable without it. But so much JOY goes out of LIFE by dogged devotion to ONE job for decades until one reaches the age of HAPPY RETIREMENT BLISS . Even the Catholic Popes are getting wiser here. When I was very young - and a budding New Age Beatnik- I was inspired by British philosopher Bertrand Russell's witty essay " In Praise of Idleness " . Russell admitted that it was a just a nasty habit ( and fear of starvation ) that kept him working hard to an advanced old age ( which he spent excoriating American imperialism, Senator Whitehouse ) . I at least had the good sense to retire from whatever " employment " at the age of 62 .

Whitehouse calls for Supreme Court term limits

Does " OUR democracy " ever give WE THE PEOPLE a say in WAR ? How about a national referendum on nuclear World War III with China AND Russia ? " OUR democracy " must be preserved at all cost - along with the ONE PERCENT American plutocracy and THEIR Two Party System !

A Pelosi Visit to Taiwan Could Worsen Tensions Between U.S. & China with...

Nancy Pelosi is not worth one working class American soldier's chipped tooth in her provocative visit to Taiwan . Decaying capitalism invariably needs a sinister foreign enemy and WAR to recover free market " normalcy " . " WE WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN ! " ???

Gravitas: Will China shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane?

Bipartisan Plan To Launch Third Political Party

Early this morning Red Eye Radio reported this news about the majority of voters now reaching out for a principled third party. True enough: "NOT Republican NOT Democrat " is too vague a beginning for a mass third party. As a democratic socialist I think it is impossible to square the circle , for the working class, the middle class, and the capitalist ruling class to find common ground on the very turf of the American plutocracy . This FACT has nothing to do with personality or character: this is a CLASS DIVIDED society . There are the vast majority who must sell their physical and mental labor power. And there is the minority who buy that labor power , who live off the collective creative energy of the working class -middle class majority. ONLY an American LABOR Party will prove a viable alternative to the rotted TWO PARTY SYSTEM. Could a muddled third party agree on checking the military industrial complex, on ending FOR PROFIT industry and services on all fronts ?
The root cause of much mental illness is the rat race capitalist system making life a miserable INDIVIDUAL struggle for existence for too many. It destroys the very sense of community! American psychiatry props up the capitalist status quo.

Robert Whitaker: The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in the US

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

I think we are living in the GOLDEN AGE OF FALSE ADVERTISING : NAVAGE and PREVAGEN - they bludgeon us with these silly commercials . And for how much longer ? No honest CONSUMER REPORT criticism ?

NAVAGE NOSE CLEANER - Honest Review (Not Sponsored)

As a democratic socialist the January 6 hearings -presided over by WOKE " liberal " Democrats - remind me - and socialists like me - of the infamous Moscow Trials of the 1930s . Indeed ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM comes to resemble the nightmare STALINISM of Cold War Russia.

Democrats Sit Stunned as MTG Discusses "New Facts" That Have Come Out on...

Inspired by WOKE Democrats the easily and always offended trans-gender crowd wants rational human beings to reject the very concept of OBJECTIVE REALITY . The famous biologist Charles Darwin devotes a whole section of his work to " SEXUAL SELECTION ". Nowhere does he mention a third gender. Have Ivy League biology professors endorsed this nonsense ? Or have they been intimidated by the very pillars of WOKE secular, anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jew scholars and Democratic Party activists ?

Transgender community, supporters protest Dave Chappelle Santa Rosa show

I speak as a democratic socialist : the January 6 hearings in Congress reminded me- and socialists like me- of the infamous Moscow Trials of the 1930s. The WOKE Democrats are more and more in style, if not in economics, curiously STALINIZED . For decades they have repudiated the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And they show a truly ferocious hostility to traditional Christianity and religious freedom in the USA.

Steve Bannon talks to Tucker Carlson on 'guilty' verdict

Black Capitalism is promoted by WOKE phony liberal Democrats who foster extreme fatuous " identity politics " mostly in their own interests which is not unconnected with the interests of the American ruling class. Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism. FBI and DEEP STATE awarded Malcolm X 's revolutionary wisdom with assassination in February 1965 .

EP 2 Sam Albert - #1 Black Realtor In Rhode Island | Wealth in Real Esta...

More and more " OUR democracy " - in which WOKE Democrats fancy themselves its true guardians - resembles an Orwellian police state. I doubt if many good and decent Rhode Island police officers will identify with a real POLICE STATE .

Providence police: License plate cameras will turn on within 30 days

Screenshot (Jul 27, 2022 1:34:45 PM)

" The New York Times Opinion Loves Your comment " . No fooling ?

Youtube Logo The New York Times Opinion loves your comment Why Did Republicans Become So Extreme? - Paul Krugman - The New York Times | The New York Times Opinion Ron Ruggieri Why did Republicans become so extreme ? A democratic socialist would says that there IS a profound crisis of capitalism in the United States and in the world . The American ruling class governs through their TWO PARTY SYSTEM . There is a break in the American ruling class - conflicting views on how to govern " OUR democracy " , how to control the masses of working class people. For decades wealthy American Jews -taking most of their ethnic group with them - have entrenched themselves in the Democratic Party. For them now to associate themselves with the NON-WOKE Republican Party , the traditional party for the more proud and arrogant members of the upper class, might prove socially dangerous . ­ The affluent Jews in the Democratic Party think that their party can remain in power only by endlessly promoting a vicious " identity politics " agenda. They use the social climbing Black petty bourgeoisie as a buffer and a battering ram against the " deplorable " White working class CHRISTIAN majority . The WOKE Democrats are daily turning off more and more working class CHRISTIANS . They no longer recognize a party where the arrogant New Atheism is setting the agenda. They certainly do not identify with WOKE Hollywood millionaires ! ­ But in the 2020 presidential election a surprising number of traditionally " liberal " Jews were attracted to the Donald Trump camp - and indeed Trump was quite popular in APARTHEID Israel. Is WHITE Supremacy taking on a new form ? The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the USA is in peril . VIEW HEARTED COMMENT

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

[ "TIVERTON, R.I. (WLNE) — A Tiverton restaurant apologized Monday after an anti-Semitic meme was posted on their Facebook page over the weekend. " ] As a democratic socialist always interested in the root of social evil I come across very little insight into anti-Semitism real or imagined . What is missing from most shrieks of anti-Semitism are context and history and a saving sense of humor ( and Ann Frank 's belief ( naive ? ) that "most people are good at heart " ). Insensitive and foolish ignorance should not be brainlessly equated with malevolent anti-Semitism. The American capitalist system breeds a small class of exploiters and a large class of exploited. People on the " wrong side of the tracks "- educated or uneducated- resent above all CLASS enemies of whatever race or ethnic group. Have American journalists forgotten that years ago the United Nations condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism ? Yet the mainstream news media in the United States routinely equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. And presently in the so called " culture wars " in the USA secular Zionist Jews are clearly pillars of WOKE ideology along with the liberal elite Hollywood celebrity mob. But do they ever apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ? And is it anti-Semitism not to be lined up with ZIONIST Jew Zelensky's dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?

jewish community leaders respond to anti-semitism

Even in Rhode Island there seems to be a decline in the quality of Public Housing management and perceived rudeness in office staffs, lack of courtesy on the phone with residents with some complaint or concern. At Randal Manor , under the Cranston Housing Authority , a resident talked to me yesterday about deteriorating conditions and some negligence here. For example , there has been no mail delivery at 175 Mathewson St. for weeks . The mail boxes needed to be replaced ( mine could not be secured ) but the owners of these new mail boxes have no keys yet to open and close them. Calling the office about this problem was frustrating for my resident neighbor. Cranston Housing Authority employees seemed to have forgotten common courtesy. What about the top management ? Must we call Cranston City Hall ?

Residents at Tiverton Housing Authority going days without hot water

Monday, July 25, 2022

I recall reading a chapter on the future of education in Bill Gate's book " The Road Ahead " . I suspect that America's public schools have not begun to catch up with computer technology . The teaching of math, science , history , literature , geography can be so dramatically different from what it was in my Baby Boomer school days .

Bill Gates reflects on his school life

No Marxist economist will ever win a Nobel Prize in Economics ! But even an independent democratic socialist might suggest a quick cure for monstrous inflation: JUNK THE PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE ! Discharge all bloated middle aged generals and admirals with a modest pension and a curt THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE certificate. Honorably discharge half of the rank and file military . Declare all future WORLD WARS unthinkable ! Disassemble ALL nuclear weapons and use the radioactive material to make safer nuclear power plants .

Shapiro Breaks Down the Causes of Inflation

Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are getting a little tired of this puffed up NATO puppet war monger Zelensky . We do not welcome nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over the fatuous cause of a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine . Another stupid , endless war ? Soldiers of Fortune only need enlist !

Explosions rock Ukrainian port hours after grain deal - BBC News

I judge the events of January 6 , 2021 as a democratic socialist - not a WOKE Democrat or a MEGA-MAGA Trump fan. In brief , it was no insurrection . A very close election in 2016 and again in 2020 raised doubts among ordinary citizens about the fairness of the presidential election and of the revered Electoral College. We socialists agree that the TWO PARTY SYSTEM itself is fundamentally corrupt , fundamentally rigged in favor of the Corporate America ruling class. The " trials " of Donald Trump oddly remind me of the STALINIST organized Moscow Trials of the 1930s . Could Trump be weirdly compared to the " arch -traitor " Leon Trotsky ? The " liberal " Democrats smear " fascist " Trump as the arch-enemy of " OUR democracy " . But DEEP STATE seems to be siding with the WOKE Democrats . While working class CHRISTIAN Americans are more and more turned off by WOKE Democrats .

Conservative outlets turn on Trump after Jan. 6 revelations

As a lifelong democratic socialist I think FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT applies to ALL groups of citizens . I do not want WOKE " liberal " Democrats- nor the always biased mainstream news media - deciding for me WHO are the HATERS and WHAT constitutes HATE SPEECH . The WOKE Democrats have displayed contempt for the FREE SPEECH ,FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization for decades now. They are the true pillars of " OUR democracy " ?

Dozens of white supremacists in group called Patriot Front seen marching...

Very sad that future medical doctors will not at least respect a heartfelt PRO-LIFE position. As a democratic socialist I would certainly shut down the FOR PROFIT abortion industry while keeping abortion a necessary evil in special cases. Does the daily bashing of traditional Christianity and , in particular , the Catholic Church , improve " OUR democracy " ? For me -a democratic socialist - a WOKE Catholic Church is a joke Catholic Church !

Students walk out at University of Michigans white coat ceremony as keyn...

Human beings should learn very early in life not to make an issue of another HUMAN being's looks . People end up being very attached to their " ugly " dogs . LOVE is always kind and beautiful ! LIFE invariably creates striking OPPOSITES !

Mom Goes Viral With ‘Ugly Baby’ Video

Still homeless on the steps of Providence City Hall ! 2,528 views Jul 18, 2022 Just months ago hack " progressive " Democrats - with their phony camp out for the homeless on State House grounds - were celebrating a long overdue " victory " over homelessness in Rhode Island . Now it seems that the hapless homeless are being redirected back to horrendous Harrington Hall in Cranston. Here they are caught briefly on my cell phone camera lying listlessly on the steps of Providence City Hall. As a democratic socialist it is clear to me that the homeless problem in the USA can never be solved within the framework of FOR PROFIT , PRIVATE PROPERTY, " free market " CAPITALISM .

Fwd: My You Tube video passing Providence City Hall

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 at 09:41
Subject: My You Tube video passing Providence City Hall
To: <>

A MATURE mind will not be depressed by stale cliches like " LIFE IS SHORT "

Tomorrow July 26 I turn 75 years old . I get this QUORA.COM message in my e-mail this morning : [" You have 80 years - if you’re lucky. After you’re gone, in a few short years or however long those around you remember the sound of your voice and your presence, it will be as though you were never here at all. "] A MATURE mind will not be depressed with stale cliches. The Stoic philosopher Seneca observed that " life is short " about 2000 years ago. What can being ALIVE while you are here mean other than still being a part- a small part - of the HUMAN RACE . Just remain kind, affectionate, curious, and thoughtful to THE END .Then humbly JOIN THE MAJORITY ! Heaven or no heaven we all dissolve into the matrix of the universe - another way of saying the MIND OF GOD . If the whole universe can emerge from divine NOTHINGNESS , what else is possible ? Are not three quarks in the elemental proton a sort of Holy Trinity of Creation ? [ If age or getting older is life’s greatest teacher, what has age taught you? AGINGWITHANATTITUDE.QUORA.COM If age or getting older is life’s greatest teacher, what has age taught you?]

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Lights out in Randal Manor Cranston Heat Wave

No way do the vast majority of working class CHRISTIANS in the USA favor any war or " proxy-war " with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And are we not getting a little sick of puffed up Ukrainian president Zelensky ? While MEGA INFLATION eats OUR WAY OF LIFE away we will cheer for nuclear World War III over a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine ? The coming Democratic Party landslide in November over Roe vs. Wade nonsense ? What a joke !

Russia issues new threats to Ukraine over Western weapons l GMA

I finished reading Richard Wright's EXCELLENT classic " Black Boy " yesterday. Air head WOKE reviews of the book leave out a little something called CLASS STRUGGLE perspective. Richard Wright thought he had found a refuge from odious WHITE SUPREMACY in the American Communist Party. But that party- which did reject ugly racism - was already corrupted by the Stalinist tyranny. The young Wright was still branded - despite POVERTY- as a dangerous INTELLECTUAL. Even today what is left of the MARXIST Left hardly respects the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Nor the concept of religious freedom. From the beginning the Soviet Union was " officially atheist " . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker " . Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism. There is still the living idea of democratic socialism. Ironically Richard Wright was anathematized by the Moscow based Communist Party for suspicion of Trotskyism ! The controversial Trotsky might have been a fanatical Marxist himself but he was fundamentally AN ENEMY OF ALL TYRANNY. Read " The Revolution Betrayed " . Did Richard Wright ever read that book ( George Orwell likened it to Emmanuel Goldstein's heretical book in " 1984

Black Boy by Richard Wright

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I think H.L. Mencken shocked philistines everywhere by simply telling the naked truth. As Bertrand Russell observed : " Nakedness is shocking to all right minded people and so is the truth " . Whether he was talking about American plutocrats , politicians , socialists, journalists, Nazis or Jews Mencken rarely crossed the line beyond demonstrable TRUTH . But I do wonder : was he wrong about the blessings of alcohol ? He could see the merits in great American authors -like Theodore Dreiser - before other professional sensitive souls did.

The Dark Side of H.L. Mencken: His Shocking Diary (1990)

What brilliant " leftist " writer Gore Vidal had to say about American imperialism linked to Israeli ZIONISM in 1988 is just as true today in July 2022. Secular ZIONIST control over mainstream news media and now much social media is more evident than ever . Presently a group of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in the United States , in Israel and in Ukraine are instigating nuclear World War III with now POST-COMMUNIST Russia. All over a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine. Conforming ZIONIST Jews are now routinely censoring anti-war opinion in the United States. They are not censoring HATE SPEECH or incitements to terrorism and violence. They are censoring the IDEAS & OPINIONS held by some 200 million Christians . And they are also the pillars of WOKE nonsense in the Democratic Party and in the public schools . But they never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. And they never check fatuous trans-gender notions with Charles Darwin and the modern biology of DNA . If this post is REMOVED, guess WHO did it ? Check my FACEBOOK page and Radical Ron's Blog.

Gore Vidal, 1988, Israel Firsters who call themselves Neocons

Why any real democratic SOCIALIST will scold a Democrat for " intentionally sabotaging " Biden's agenda is a puzzle only if you take Bernie's Sanders " socialism " seriously . REAL socialists will work outside the framework of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM which even Ralph Nader explained long ago represents only CORPORATE AMERICA in the august halls of Congress . WE THE PEOPLE do not need Joe Biden's agenda . We don't need the WOKE foolishness of the Democratic Party . We do need our own INDEPENDENT American Labor Party - much like the British Labor Party but more militantly class conscious .

Sanders accuses Manchin of 'intentionally sabotaging' Biden's agenda

[ " Auto Wreck is a poem that concentrates on a 'live' car accident and brings the reader directly into contact with the consequences of such a violent, horrific scenario. It is a commentary on a modern phenomena, that of the highway smash, but goes beyond the world of traffic and tarmac to explore the human mindset when normality is no more. Think disaster, think war, think pandemic. Full of vivid imagery, it also asks important questions about the nature of human fragility, and how we react to such sudden death. Four powerful stanzas, some stunning individual lines and much food for thought. Karl Shapiro was no stranger to the negative effects technology can have on humans. He served in the second world war and wrote war poems which reflected his experiences of trauma and violence. " ]

"Auto Wreck" by Karl Shapiro

" Everything in this industry revolves around water ". Remember LIFE on EARTH began in water , water , water everywhere . We need to do everything possible to support local farmers - and perhaps become skilled backyard farmers ourselves. SURVIVAL just might dictate a new FEUDAL AGE ! Rediscover your EARTH SOUL !

Local farmer discusses how drought is impacting production

In no way can " Sleepy Joe " Biden save the world from climate change disaster. Even the scientific community with some credibility on this issue refuses to admit that controlling climate change - a colossal human species ambition - demands an end EVERYWHERE to FOR PROFIT global capitalism . And a world divided into hostile nation state alliances makes avoiding climate change catastrophe nearly impossible. Also are imperial armies on both sides ( both a mockery of FREE WORLD ) going to power their military machines and weapons on solar and wind power ? What a joke . There is no WOKE solution to the problems of decaying global capitalism .

Biden paying visit to Somerset this afternoon

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

[" Heaven lies about us in our infancy! Shades of the prison-house begin to close upon the growing boy. "] William Wordsworth
Splendour in the Grass William Wordsworth What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now forever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower? I We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind In the primal sympathy Which, having been, must ever be. In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering, In the faith that looks through death, In years that bring the philosophic mind.

Splendor In the Grass - Final Scene

Fwd: The present governor has an edge in CHARM

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2022 at 12:55
Subject: The present governor has an edge in CHARM
To: <>

As a democratic socialist I suspect that most Rhode Island candidates for governor are on a higher moral level than the CLASS OF BRIBERS - the over-appreciated class of BUSINESS men and women.
But Democratic Party candidates for governor never hint that no matter how golden their characters their POWER is limited by a little thing called THE BUDGET which is invariably decided by THE TAX PAYER - always a code word for the capitalist ruling class that shuns CELEBRITY . And if any of these honorable candidates for governor in their student days ever encountered radical intellectual criticism of the American capitalist system , it was truly like the proverbial water off a duck's back . That being said , the present governor seems to have an edge in CHARM - along with his dear mother.

Ron from Cranston
As a democratic socialist I suspect that most Rhode Island candidates for governor are on a higher moral level than the CLASS OF BRIBERS - the over-appreciated class of BUSINESS men and women. But Democratic Party candidates for governor never hint that no matter how golden their characters their POWER is limited by a little thing called THE BUDGET which is invariably decided by THE TAX PAYER - always a code word for the capitalist ruling class that shuns CELEBRITY . And if any of these honorable candidates for governor in their student days ever encountered radical intellectual criticism of the American capitalist system , it was truly like the proverbial water off a duck's back . That being said , the present governor seems to have an edge in CHARM - along with his dear mother.

Race for RI governor heating up

The American Religious Landscape in 2020 Seven in ten Americans (70%) identify as Christian, including more than four in ten who identify as white Christian and more than one-quarter who identify as Christian of color. Nearly one in four Americans (23%) are religiously unaffiliated, and 5% identify with non-Christian religions.[1]

Belligerent ZIONIST Jews are censoring traditional Christians in the USA - more than 200 million of them !

Belligerent ZIONIST Jews are censoring the ideas and opinions of traditional Christians in the USA - more than 200 million of them. In particular for months now they are censoring anti-war views not flattering Ukraine's war monger president Zelensky . FACTS are not hate speech . FACTS do not incite violence . TRUTH is not anti-Semitic . I take a screen shot of ALL my comments. See RADICAL RON's BLOG and my FACEBOOK PAGE where I have 5000 friends .

My HOMELESS ON STEPS OF CITY HALL video now has 2,528 views !

Still homeless on the steps of Providence City Hall ! 2,528 views Jul 18, 2022 Just months ago hack " progressive " Democrats - with their phony camp out for the homeless on State House grounds - were celebrating a long overdue " victory " over homelessness in Rhode Island . Now it seems that the hapless homeless are being redirected back to horrendous Harrington Hall in Cranston. Here they are caught briefly on my cell phone camera lying listlessly on the steps of Providence City Hall. As a democratic socialist it is clear to me that the homeless problem in the USA can never be solved within the framework of FOR PROFIT , PRIVATE PROPERTY, " free market " CAPITALISM .

Still homeless on the steps of Providence City Hall !

No way can the human species cope with dramatic climate change within the FOR PROFIT framework of global capitalism. Geologists understand that the GOOD EARTH has a long long history going back more than 4 billion years . Long before the appearance of HOMO SAPIENS there were whole epochs of climate change that devastated all life on earth . There was once a " Snowball Earth " . There was the well known Permian Age of the Great Extinction. King Dinosaur suddenly just vanished making living room for small frail timid mammals . Whatever the ultimate cause of climate change in the present era human beings have always been able to ADAPT . But global capitalism and the division of the planet into mutually hostile nation state alliances make that adaption presently impossible. Any future INTELLIGENT species around to replace us ? Only God knows !

Britain Declares First Ever National Heat Emergency

Monday, July 18, 2022

We should know the names and addresses of these despicable slum landlords who make a parasite profit renting dumps to poor families .

Neronha sues 2 landlords after kids get lead poisoning

The pillars of attacks on Christianity for years now have been WOKE " liberal " Democrats with secular , non-religious ZIONIST Jews leading the pack . The obnoxious New Atheists - also openly Islamo-phobic- have openly bonded with Zionist APARTHEID Israel. The mainstream news media invariably paints traditional Christians as fanatical , crackpot " haters ". The WOKES of the USA can rival any HATE groups in the USA in malevolence toward perceived political enemies - which includes nearly all conservative Republicans. I speak not as a MEGA MAGA Trump fan but as a long time democratic socialist who always upheld the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Who really speaks for " OUR democracy " ?

Former Novice Speaks Out - Truth of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming

A real socialist movement in the USA can easily win over the vast majority of working class Americans of all races and ethnic groups. Also a real socialist movement can with some effort win over a majority of the nation's technical and scientific elite no matter how affluent. The real intellectual elite - scientists like Albert Einstein, philosophers like Bertrand Russell , novelists like Upton Sinclair , writers like Irving Howe - have for more than a century shown an affinity for a more rational socio-economic system than " free market " capitalism . An energized socialist movement can triumph over the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States. Still Bernie could be the Moses that leads the American working class AND the American middle class ( now in INFLATION free fall ) out of the phony " friend of labor " Democratic Party. But I think whatever real " socialist " remains in Bernie Sanders has withered away to dust.

(Democratic Debate) Bernie Sanders explains Democratic Socialism

Watch "Welcome to Beautiful Rhode Island !" on YouTube

" Welcome to Beautiful Rhode Island " , say RI State booster ads. This is the squalid spectacle that would greet any summer visitor to the " Ocean State ". And right under Mayor Elorza 's nose in Providence City Hall. Filthy environmental hazard cigarette butts all over the place in Kennedy Plaza. And these entrenched WOKE Democrats take so much pride in being Guardians of the Good Earth. RIPTA is also responsible for this filthy insult to the Ocean State. No budget money to clean up this hazardous trash ?

Welcome to Beautiful Rhode Island !

Friday, July 15, 2022

Screenshot (Jul 15, 2022 8:41:59 PM)

Pelosi's often expressed hatred for ex-president Trump does not tell me that her Democratic Party is the true guardian of " OUR democracy ". You see there is this TWO PARTY SYSTEM which -above all -serves the interests of the American plutocracy . But things are not really that simple . Because : Like human beings in all times and places members of the RULING CLASS have serious disagreements on policy. And not rarely they hate one another. The political division of the USA into DEMOCRAT and REPUBLICAN is really an internal conflict of the country's ruling capitalist class. They want the American working class to think that the stakes are high for them in the coming November election. But Ralph Nader more recently - not just Lenin and Trotsky - pointed out that the TWO PARTY SYSTEM is a trap for working class people. WE need an independent third party like the British Labor Party but more class conscious militant . " OUR democracy " brutally discourages any rival third party on the Left or on the Right. Yet where does the American Constitution establish the authority of the two main parties ? Find " Democrat " and " Republican " in the text of the American Constitution . Some day in the USA DEMOCRAT and REPUBLICAN will be just a fading historical memory -like the Whigs !

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Holds Press Conference I LIVE

As a democratic socialist I disagree with these two Red Eye Radio gents on fundamental premises of economics and politics. But I learned a long time ago in high school geometry that there were other geometries than Euclid's self-consistent and just as " logical " . I agree with Eric and Gary on many issues of the cultural wars. I have never known them to say anything downright FALSE . And they are invariably ENTERTAINING . So nightly insomnia will keep me up at 3:00 AM listening to them. I miss the DIALOGUE of another era. Now if you disagree with a WOKE Democrat he or she will not debate you as if this were Plato's Academy . No, he or she will just damn you as one of the HATERS responsible for driving sensitive souls to suicide . If you disagree with a Trump fan , you are consigned to the SOCIALIST conspiracy against America. And yet I have been banned from the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE as their " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " . Go figure !

Red Eye Radio 5/23/19 Part 2

I would like to know more about Nicholas Scaglione's background . Over 30 he seems a little too old for what is really juvenile delinquency more than cold blooded " revolutionary violence " . And this crime will not endear him to the vast majority of decent " Black Lives Matter " people. It seems to be a strange fact of human existence that an individual is capable of much more malevolent destruction than of benevolent construction. But the fine imposed on Scaglione is absurd . Most working people cannot replace the cost of a police car if they lived on almost nothing for five years. The CLASS bias of the judge probably does not even see this. FINES should be consistent with real earning potential. Also with a conviction for any crime , any ex-con finds it hard get a decent job. I do understand how an unemployed, bitter white working class man can humanely identify with the longtime oppression of Black people. A better type judge would have sentenced Nicholas Scaglione to three months and no fine.

Cranston man sentenced to three years in prison for setting police cruis...

Fwd: ZIONIST Jews censoring anti-war views of American Christians ?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 at 12:46
Subject: ZIONIST Jews censoring anti-war views of American Christians ?
To: <>

[ Doctor Strange Love Doesn't Israel have good number of nuclear weapons what are they afraid off.] *** That FACT is hardly known thanks to ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media in the United States. Presently they are suppressing anti-war views on the proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine ? Have you heard one " progressive " Democrat dissent ?

Biden signs "Jerusalem Declaration," reaffirms commitment to thwart Iran...

Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
[ Doctor Strange Love Doesn’t Israel have good number of nuclear weapons what are they afraid off.] *** That FACT is hardly known thanks to ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media in the United States. Presently they are suppressing anti-war views on the proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine ? Have you heard one " progressive " Democrat dissent ?

Biden signs "Jerusalem Declaration," reaffirms commitment to thwart Iran...

With what moral authority does corrupt American president Joe Biden condemn Putin's real or imagined " war crimes " in Ukraine ? The so called FREE WORLD includes bloody , barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist APARTHEID Israel ( " the most democratic country in the Middle East " ??? ) . Will replacing Putin's Russian oligarchy with the amiable plutocrats of " OUR democracy " improve the lot of working class people in Russia ? And what has " OUR democracy " done for working class Americans lately ?

Why Will Biden Willingly Meet Saudi Crown Prince? | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Things are not always what they seem . The people promoting the racial slant on all issues are not ordinary working class Black Americans. The pillars of WOKE in American politics and American public schools are invariably secular, non-religious, frequently anti- Christian ZIONIST Jews connected to Ivy League based " think tanks ". These oh-so-woke Zionists never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel . They are also promoting trans-gender fanaticism. You cannot challenge their multi- gender nonsense without " encouraging suicide " in the sensitive ! END OF DISCUSSION . Ironically the " liberal " Democrats are in the vanguard of the new adversaries of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. They are behind the too frequent censorship of IDEAS & OPINION in the mainstream news media and in social media . My comment is here is forwarded to my blog and to my FACEBOOK page.

Stacey Abrams raises significantly more than Brian Kemp

KUCI Subversity: Remembering Peter Miguel Camejo Play playlist_add Comrades of Third Party Candidate Peter Miguel Camejo remember this stock broker cum leftist candidate for president and governor. We talk with Matt Gonzalez and Donna Warren about the life and times of Peter Camejo. Interviewer: Daniel C. Tsang, show host.

Fwd: President Joe Biden spits on " FAR LEFT " of the Democrat Party but they will still hustle votes for him come November

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 at 10:32
Subject: Fwd: President Joe Biden spits on " FAR LEFT " of the Democrat Party but they will still hustle votes for him come November
To: Letters <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 at 10:32
Subject: President Joe Biden spits on " FAR LEFT " of the Democrat Party but they will still hustle votes for him come November
To: <>

How many American Jews have pondered what popular science writer Isaac Asimov had to say about Israel ? ["I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don't travel. I really don't, and if I did, I probably wouldn't visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can't help but feel that the Jews didn't really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can't really turn it back. " ] The American people should end all military and economic support to Zionist APARTHEID Israel. Presently it seems to be instigating nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. With the help of numerous " guardian angels " of Israel like Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer in the United States. And leading the pack is the war monger Ukrainian President Zelensky ( he wants to involve all NATO in a hot war with Russia . Very HOT indeed !) . No matter how often Joe Biden spits on " Far Left " Democrats they will still hustle votes for the Democratic Party come November 

 Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island  ( 401-580-7432 )
How many American Jews have pondered what popular science writer Isaac Asimov had to say about Israel ? [“I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. " ] The American people should end all military and economic support to Zionist APARTHEID Israel. Presently it seems to be instigating nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. With the help of numerous " guardian angels " of Israel like Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer in the United States. And leading the pack is the war monger Ukrainian President Zelensky ( he wants to involve all NATO in a hot war with Russia . Very HOT indeed !) . No matter how often Joe Biden spits on " Far Left " Democrats they will still hustle votes for the Democratic Party come November .

WATCH: Biden delivers remarks upon arrival in Israel

Here is just one more example of PRIVATE PROPERTY tyranny defying the COMMON GOOD. No matter how you read the American Constitution it makes PRIVATE PROPERTY sacrosanct and it did so from the beginning of the American Republic. Democratic socialists recognize the greatness of many things and of many persons in their time and place. But if it is just common sense that A=A as law of logic , in cosmic time and in the long view of history we see that it is even more true that A does not equal A . Because A ( whatever it is here ) is always changing , often evolving into something quite different . Cosmic evolution from the Big Bang gave us after 10 billion years this GOOD EARTH. Apes evolved into humans . Feudalism evolved into capitalism . Plantation slavery evolved into wage slavery . That is true of all human societies , economic systems , and venerable constitutions. ALL that IS is RIGHT . And ALL that IS is worthy of perishing . But our public education system does its best to lobotomize students on this philosophical ," dialectical " insight valid even without the dogmatic " materialism ". Most college graduates in the United States cannot even imagine Plato's Republic never mind the Democratic Socialist vision. Not even the Stock Market and the State Lottery are forever ! And certainly not a decayed Mausoleum in Roger Williams Park, Providence , nor private ownership of Johnson's Pond in Coventry . Nor Ayn Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness ".

Bill aimed at protecting Johnson’s Pond heads to McKee’s desk

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

[Bolton said: “I disagree with that, as somebody who has helped plan coups d’etat, not here, but you know, other places. It takes a lot of work and that’s not what [Trump] did. It was just stumbling around from one idea to another." “Ultimately, he did unleash the rioters at the Capitol, as to that there’s no doubt, but not to overthrow the constitution, to buy more time to throw the matter back to the states to try and redo the issue.] I think conservative Republican John Bolton gets this right ! As a democratic socialist myself I did observe a four year smear campaign against President Donald Trump . Very early the Democratic Party promoted the HATE TRUMP , HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism . Presently the WOKE Democrats are as good at HATE and EXTREMISM as any conservative Republicans in the news. Sure LOSERS in the 2022 and 2024 national elections ! Their investigation of the " Trump coup " seems right out of the notorious Moscow Trials of the 1930s .

John Bolton: "As somebody who has helped plan coup d'état..."

Fwd: WOKE Zionist Jews afflicting a reign of ideological terror on traditional Christians in the USA ?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 at 12:54
Subject: WOKE Zionist Jews afflicting a reign of ideological terror on traditional Christians in the USA ?
To: Letters <>

It can not go unnoticed that the pillars of WOKE ideology in the United States - afflicting an ideological reign of terror on working class , " deplorable " CHRISTIANS for decades now - are secular , non-religious, often anti- Christian ZIONIST Jews.
Way more than conservative Republicans the WOKE Democrats are in the vanguard of attacks on the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
THEY are as alike as " breakfast TACOS " !

Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
It can not go unnoticed that the pillars of WOKE ideology in the United States - afflicting an ideological reign of terror on working class , " deplorable " CHRISTIANS for decades now - are secular , non-religious, often anti- Christian ZIONIST Jews. Way more than conservative Republicans the WOKE Democrats are in the vanguard of attacks on the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. THEY are as alike as " breakfast TACOS " !

'PREGNANT WOMEN' Now Offensive In University, Prof Apologizes To Woke St...

The public voice of medical SCIENCE would have more credibility if it were not corrupted by Corporate America greedy capitalism . For me Dr. Fauci has as much credibility as a Kevin Trudeau late night TV infomercial in the Roaring 90s . Are we seeing " The End of Science " here ?

Fauci warns COVID-19 cases likely to surge in the fall

Screenshot (Jul 13, 2022 12:26:59 PM)

I would not dismiss a crying mother's concern over police brutality here . The cops should use only as much force as necessary - and avoid pit-bull responses in a difficult arrest. Otherwise the police will be perceived - not only by the Black Lives Matter crowd - as " enemies of the people ". More than 100 years ago the great Russian revolutionary V.I. Lenin had a sober " scientific " explanation for police brutality in his pamphlet " State and Revolution ". In 1917 his Bolshevik Party seized state power in Russia. The " new police force " there was turned against the old Czarist order. In 1968 after the chaos of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago Mayor Richard Daley got it right with a now famous quote : " The policeman is not there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder ".

Police: Man crashed car, hid in Cranston pond to avoid arrest

NYC Launches New PSA Focused On Preparing For Possible Nuclear Attack

The public voice of medical SCIENCE would have more credibility if it were not corrupted by Corporate America greedy capitalism . For me Dr. Fauci has as much credibility as a Kevin Trudeau late night TV infomercial in the Roaring 90s . Are we seeing " The End of Science " here ?

Fauci warns COVID-19 cases likely to surge in the fall

" Duck and Cover " ? I remember that nonsense from the " Haunted Fifties " . Was " The Day After " cancelled ? I like what I read about this on the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE just now : [ "At first glance, it would appear that the people who commissioned and released the video have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. But such a video, dealing with critical civil defense issues, could only have been produced in consultation with the highest echelons of the Pentagon and the US government. Its absurdity is a product not of ignorance, but of deception. Its aim is to acclimate the public to the idea of nuclear war, while hiding its horrifying reality. A nuclear attack on New York City would be part of a full-scale thermonuclear exchange, involving the launching of thousands of warheads at cities and infrastructure throughout the United States and the world. Such an event would make 9/11 seem minuscule in comparison. The city and its environs would be struck by multiple thermonuclear warheads, each with a yield of over one hundred times the ' Fat Man' nuclear weapon that destroyed Hiroshima." ]
How many American Jews see the wisdom of Isaac Asimov's comment on Israel ? [“I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. " ] As a democratic socialist myself - banking on socialist internationalism - I cannot commend ANY ethnocentric nation-state . How many WOKE ACLU lawyers apply " Critical Race Theory to Apartheid Israel ? In the United States the mainstream news media promotes the untruth that anti-Zionism equal anti-Semitism .

LIVE: Biden Delivers Remarks From Israel At Start Of Middle East Trip | ...

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

If you are upset by so many variations of INEQUALITY in this world , why not begin with a condemning criticism of the CAPITALIST SYSTEM ? DNC Identity Politics does not do this . It seeks AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and SPECIAL PRIVILEGE for seemingly marginalized , easily offended , petty bourgeois NARCISSISTIC social climbers - with the mainstream FAKE news media daily slobbering all over them. I speak not as a MEGA MAGA Trump fan but as a democratic socialist quite independent of the Democratic Party .

Caitlyn Jenner: I am getting so tired of this woke world

Long before the Webb space telescope in the " Haunted Fifties " " The Man With The X-Ray Eyes " saw even deeper into DEEP SPACE . And what did he see ? From a WIKI review of the horror movie : [ " Leaving Las Vegas, Xavier drives out to the desert and finds a religious tent revival. He tells the evangelist that he is beginning to see things at the edges of the universe, including an "eye that sees us all" in the center of the universe. The pastor replies that what he sees is "sin and the devil" and quotes the Biblical verse, "If thine eye offends thee... pluck it out!" Xavier chooses to blind himself rather than continuing to see anything more " ] WIKI review And then reflect on the thoughts of famous Providence , Rhode Island horror writer H.P. Lovecraft : [“The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ” ]

NASA unveils additional full-color images from Webb space telescope

Long before the Webb space telescope in the " Haunted Fifties " " The Man With The X-Ray Eyes " saw even deeper into DEEP SPACE . And what did he see ? From a WIKI review of the horror movie : [ " Leaving Las Vegas, Xavier drives out to the desert and finds a religious tent revival. He tells the evangelist that he is beginning to see things at the edges of the universe, including an "eye that sees us all" in the center of the universe. The pastor replies that what he sees is "sin and the devil" and quotes the Biblical verse, "If thine eye offends thee... pluck it out!" Xavier chooses to blind himself rather than continuing to see anything more " ] WIKI review And then reflect on the thoughts of famous Providence , Rhode Island H.P. Lovecraft : [“The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ” ]

NASA unveils additional full-color images from Webb space telescope


Honest American sociologists will not fail to note ( point out ? ) that the very pillars of WOKE in the public school system are Ivy League instructed , secular , non-religious, often anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews entrenched in the teacher unions. Who fail to apply Critical Race Theory - cracked as it is - to APARTHEID Israel. It seems that the rank and file of the Democratic Party are unable or unwilling to distance themselves from the WOKES . But come November the voters will !

Katy ISD parents demand removal of 'pornographic' books in schools.

The obsessively WOKE mentality of " progressive " Democrats is indeed inherently RACIST , dividing the American people ( the WRONG division ) into separate ethnic and racial groups with clashing political agendas. They continue to double down on that strategy for losing bigtime in 2022 and 2024 - obnoxious IDENTITY POLITICS . As a democratic socialist I naturally think that economic CLASS is a much more fundamental category in the political and cultural wars. The corrupt Democratic Party hopes to stay in power by endless, shameless pandering to their APPROVED victim categories. How can the LGBTQ " community " ever constitute the backbone of a mass movement for social justice ? There is no CLASS differentiation in these " social construct " communities ? Anyway " Sleepy Joe " Biden ( thanks to wide awake Jill ) has just lost the " TACO VOTE " ! Did not CHRISTIAN love and compassion apply to the " stranger " , to the " different " people, to all sorts of social " rejects " for centuries after Christ preached HIS " Sermon on the Mount " ? Can they legislate KINDNESS ?

First Lady Jill Biden under fire for 'breakfast tacos' comment

Monday, July 11, 2022

A democratic socialist government would IMMEDIATELY stop the production of guns for the " free market " . Rational control of ALL industries now FOR PROFIT capitalist will restore sanity to everyday life in " OUR democracy " ( now really that ! ) . The root of crime is a social order that makes EACH THE ENEMY OF ALL. A social order that condemns relatively weak human beings to an absurdly INDIVIDUAL STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE . No surprise that everywhere separate human " wolf packs " - rescuing vulnerable , alienated YOUNG individuals from hopeless loneliness and solitude- then together they prey on an atomized " society ". The soul of an individual in SOLITARY SPIRITUAL CONFINEMENT breeds insanity, breeds the sociopath . Whole books have been written -and mostly IGNORED - about capitalist " alienation ". The BEAT GENERATION understood this way back in the 1950s. Listen to Allen Ginsberg 's poem " Howl " : [ “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night.”]

Police respond to 2 separate shootings in Providence

The wild life of the GOOD EARTH has now a COLLECTIVE WILL that is sick of species HOMO SAPIENS . And soon we will disappear from the Cosmos with an indifferent yawn from whatever INTELLIGENCE endures . One " Creature Film " nightmare after another in the daily news. Shark Eyes communicate PURE HATE . A COMING ATTRACTION : " The Creature From the Black Lagoon ". And remember Alfred Hitchcock's " The Birds " ? Look behind you while walking in the dark woods and look up at the sinister sky. " They're coming to get you , Martha ! "

Sea lions chase beachgoers in California

This is part of the picture of the decaying American ruling class and its loyal well heeled servants. The great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy associated drunkenness and dope addiction with a bad conscience , with moral decay . A decadent capitalist society must point a finger at foreign enemies. Stay tuned ! How is our American plutocracy and its upper class employees on a higher moral level than Putin's POST-COMMUNIST oligarchy in Russia ? Note how depraved Hollywood Babylon slobbers over " progressive " WOKE Democrats . " Slouching Toward Gomorrah " ?

News Anchor Suspended After BIZARRE Report (What Happened To Her?)

I am always entranced by the sight of jet planes taking off at TH Green airport. Way back in 1966 my older brother Rick and I were fueling these planes at T.H. Green . I was instructed in simple fueling techniques by Rick ( more mechanical aptitude than myself ) - himself a licensed airplane pilot at 16 - and I was happy to earn the minimum wage( $2:00 per hour back then ? ) Did a passenger jet once take off with an oil tank cap not properly secured ? Was young Ron Radical the JERK ! Oh well , everybody was safe. And Ron only worked the summer there. Rick soon got married to Evelyn and began managing a number of local radio stations - with ATTITUDE , I hear. BIG BROTHER Rick passed away in 2014 - his addictive smoking habit could have been a factor in a strange blood disease. Rick briefly served on the Town Council of Foster as an " anti-fascist " Foster Democrat. His Foster Republican antagonists are still prominent in Rhode Island state politics. Wife Evelyn -just my age - is presently living in an assisted living center in Georgia. Did Jet planes really save us TIME ? " DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS " goes the popular rock song. Well , it is ALWAYS LATER THAN YOU THINK ! A kind thought for those about to board a passenger jet at T.H. Green Airport .

Taking Off From T.F. Green Airport/Rhode Island

Saturday, July 9, 2022

These ancient chants carry the MYSTIQUE of pristine Christianity .

Early Chants of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church

On the whole MY RUGGIERI FAMILY STORY seems more like a Fellini Film than a tragedy or a comedy .

Nino Rota - Amarcord

Nino Rota Dolce Vita

Bourgeois capitalist governments are tumbling down on all continents . THREE just this week ? To be sure , THE MOB settled scores in the Great French Revolution of 1789 . The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The Chinese Revolution of 1949 . The Cuban Revolution of 1959 . The Iranian Revolution of 1979 . The January 6, 2021 EVENTS in Washington D.C. -- just a WARNING of future DAYS OF RAGE that will shake " OUR democracy " . Yes, indeed HISTORY HAS NOT ENDED ! Stay tuned !

Sri Lanka protesters storm president's office

Yes , of course , they really did LOOK as human as they were . And a lot YOUNGER than we imagined them to be. I can IMAGINE that the historical Jesus looked like this : an intense young Jew with a GOD-LIKE aura about him -perceived as some future " KING OF THE JEWS " ? But resurrected as ? Definitely a threat to the ESTABLISHMENT in Judea 2000 years ago !

History Brought To Life AI (Jesus, Justinian I, James Madison, Raphael, ...

I have seen this puzzling TV infomercial numerous times. If Ukraine president Zelensky -himself a ZIONIST Jew - cannot rescue from poverty , destitution , and starvation old Jewish women in the Ukraine , just what else is he doing with billions of dollars in American aid ?

Starving old Jews in Ukraine?

Will Lehman gets a glowing review from the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE this morning , July 9, 2022 : [ "Workers throughout the US and internationally are issuing statements of support for Will Lehman, a 34-year-old Mack Trucks worker who is running for president of the United Auto Workers (UAW). Lehman is a socialist who is fighting not to reform but to abolish the UAW bureaucracy. He is calling for the formation of rank-and-file committees to mobilize autoworkers to fight for massive wage increases, a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to meet soaring inflation, the abolition of all tiers, and full health care and pensions for workers and retirees. "] As a democratic socialist I know that the position on unions of David North's Socialist Equality Party is scorned on the generic Left . Has their position changed here ? Cannot the treacherous union bureaucracies be abolished within the framework of THE UNION ? I don't pretend to any great wisdom or experience here. To the extent that this Will Lehman is a sincere friend - indeed member - of the working class I can only wish him success . But for more than a century now even SOCIALIST parties have been poisoned by ruling class intrigue. Once deified union " leaders ' achieve a prosperous standard of living FOR THEMSELVES they tend to look down on the still exploited and oppressed workers beneath them and identify with their capitalist masters . Needless to say, what passes for SOCIALISM has been betrayed again and again . I just read American Trotskyist leader James P. Cannon's stunning essay " The Treason of the Intellectuals " written way back in 1947 . No SOCIALIST party has emerged with any firm roots in the working class in any country on earth in one hundred years. I wonder if Cannon really grasped the nature of this " treason " ? Is SEP cult leader David North in Leon Trotsky's league ? Whatever - I am still banned from his World Socialist Web Site as a " Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " ! Go figure !