Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, March 31, 2022
In no way will the FAKE NEWS media get working class CHRISTIAN Americans all fired up over a SOVEREIGN Ukraine !
If this is not a crime against humanity ? Let CHILDREN decide what SEX they prefer to be

Fwd: Ron, log into Facebook with one click
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 at 11:10
Subject: Fwd: Ron, log into Facebook with one click
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Facebook <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 at 10:48
Subject: Ron, log into Facebook with one click
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Time Enough at Last: On the Left worth reading : Judge Robert H. Bork's...
Fwd: Left wing activist Chris Hedges censored on You Tube
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 at 10:41
Subject: Left wing activist Chris Hedges censored on You Tube
To: Letters <>
It looks like Chris Hedges has been censored on You Tube . According to today's ( March 31, 2022 ) World Socialist Web Site :
" Six years of Chris Hedges' On Contact program erased by YouTube "
Kevin Reed
[On March 27, YouTube removed the entire archive of six years of Chris Hedges' On Contact from its platform without any notice or explanation. Even though very few of Hedges' shows referenced Russia or Vladimir Putin directly, his association with RT America as well as his opposition to NATO warmongering was all that was required for YouTube to delete hundreds of hours of interviews on a range of political subjects that were critical of both the Democrats and Republicans.]
Does the FAR LEFT or Marxist sectarian parties imagine that anybody other than militant ZIONIST Jews are doing all this censorship in the mainstream news media of the United States and in influential social media. ?
The generic Left has this " idee fixe " that fascism begins with anti-Semitism . What seems to be true to this life long democratic socialist is that in the 21st century fascism begins with the militarism of Zionist APARTHEID Israel - in collusion with American imperialism. Working class CHRISTIANS in the USA will never support a cabal of ZIONIST Jews with nuclear World War III with Russia on their agenda. For years now the Democratic Party - in which so many ZIONIST Jews are prominent - has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. You can be sure if my comment here is REMOVED, it was not by some working class CHRISTIAN.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Fwd: Are the " friends of Israel " creating quack revolutions in " science " on all fronts ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 12:35
Subject: Are the " friends of Israel " creating quack revolutions in " science " on all fronts ?
To: Letters <>
Among other economists Paul Krugman is not so " distinguished " and highly regarded . EXCERPT from a Republican source :
"Although the Times bills Krugman as a Nobel Prize winner, what you get from a typical Krugman column is not economics. It's propaganda. All too often, he highlights some facts and suppresses others – arriving at an analysis that no real economist would consider fair-minded ".
One can only wonder if the " friends of Israel " are creating their own quack revolutions in " science " on all fronts. In Biology they now teach that " science " should not recognize the SEX of the individual . In politics they are pillars of CRITICAL RACE THEORY but do not apply this theory to APARTHEID Israel. In economics they give us Paul Krugman-expert on inflation !
In the mainstream news media -and in certain social media - they arrogantly censor any ideas and opinions that rub belligerent ZIONIST Jews the wrong way. For example , any of the moral positions of the Catholic Church. They fawn on all WOKE Hollywood celebrities but never censor the pornography industry. Don't dare suggest that ZIONIST Jews control the mainstream news media in the United States - only neo-Nazis would think that . Right ?
They would revise notions of " OUR democracy " that would respect the fundamental concept of MAJORITY RULE.
In foreign policy they are hardly a force for peace on earth. Presently the senile , stupid , corrupt president of the United States, Joe Biden is surrounded on all sides by belligerent ZIONIST Jews who see the clown president of the Ukraine , the war mongering ZIONIST Jew Zelensky , as the Winston Churchill of effete , moribund , rotting NATO.
Are working class CHRISTIAN Americans all fired up over the issue of a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ? We have had a pungent whiff of " OUR democracy " in the COVID-19 era ( and long before ) . Are YOU wallowing in FREEDOM in 2022 ? Are you confident in our great war time leader " Sleepy Joe " Biden ? Do you have a wonderful vision for the future of your children under insane American capitalism and war mongering American imperialism ?
Are you swallowing all that Wilsonian blather ( " make the world safe for democracy ! " ) to goad us into nuclear World War III ?
Then what more do you want than the WOKE Democratic Party ! Led by Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer who said that he wants to be " Israel's guardian angel ".
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
"Hi Ron, Your reviews have been seen over 5,000 times! "
Fwd: President Biden is surrounded by belligerent ZIONIST Jews - not a force for world peace
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 10:02
Subject: President Biden is surrounded by belligerent ZIONIST Jews - not a force for world peace
To: <>
Go beyond " Sleepy Joe " Biden's weakness of whatever faculties of mind he still possesses. A corrupt , old hack , Democrat politician invariably gets his POINT OF VIEW from " old friends " in the State Department bureaucracy and " friendly advice " from the higher ups in the nation's military caste. From the very people with whom he surrounds himself. Note that President Joe Biden is surrounded - check out their biography summaries - by belligerent , openly pro-ZIONIST Jews. They are not a force for world peace in the 21st century. they are certainly not a force for justice in APARTHEID Israel. And they are not a voice for TRUTH in the mainstream news media in the United States. THEY are behind a lot of censorship . Nor even in Ivy League Academia- where they are ironically pillars of WOKE ideas and opinions - are they SEEKERS OF TRUTH . Indeed they have become pillars of revolutionary ( and FALSE ) WOKE " science " ( " male = female ,forget about anatomy, DNA ) .
They seem to patronize and fawn on Black people ( mostly ambitious ,petty bourgeois Black narcissist-Hollywood types, and social climbers ) while being useless and treacherous to ordinary working class Black people. Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X warned crowds in Harlem that wealthy , really PRIVILEGED CLASS Jews ( could they not be classified with WHITE supremacists ? ) were the trickiest enemy of Black Americans.
Today many years later Joe Biden's Democratic Party is still a trap for working class Black voters. Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker " .
To be sure , the Democratic Party is a most treacherous " friend of labor " and of ALL working class Americans of whatever race or ethnic group. As a long time independent democratic socialist I am pleased to see the Democratic Party falling apart .
Monday, March 28, 2022
Time Enough at Last: RIPTA management RUDE , IGNORANT , INCOMPETENT ( 2017 post )
Fwd: Joe Biden's idiotic Wilsonian blather
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 at 09:45
Subject: Joe Biden's idiotic Wilsonian blather
To: Letters <>
The FAKE NEWS media in the United States is scripting the Ukraine-Russia conflict ( along with crackpot Hollywood " celebrities " and lately horror Stephen King )as a war of GOOD vs. EVIL . As if " OUR democracy "- with the American plutocracy running the show - were so morally superior to Putin's Russian oligarchy. OUR CIA , Pentagon, DEEP STATE have a loftier moral vision than the Russian people who produced those great Russian writers , Tolstoy , Dostoevsky, Googol ? Wilsonian blather ( " SOVEREIGN nations ", " make the world safe for democracy " , and always "FREEDOM " ) -which sold the FIRST WORLD WAR to the American people - will not sell nuclear World War 111 to working class people in the USA or in the Ukraine or in any of the NATO countries.
Were ordinary working class people in Ukraine longing for a dangerous and foolish alliance with effete, moribund , rotting NATO before the war ?
Have not working class Americans had a good whiff of " OUR democracy " in the past few decades ( and long before that ) ? Are they ready for more family suffering for the glorious cause of a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ?
Have YOU been wallowing in FREEDOM under " Sleepy Joe " Biden since the 2020 presidential election ?
"For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power," says the American president. How many working class Americans have this very same thought about him, Joe Biden ? Looking forward to 2022 elections ? The 2024 presidential election ?
It will not be a good year for the WOKE Democrats ! Are you preparing for a real " war to end all wars " ? " For God's sake!
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Fwd: Ukrainian president Zelensky's high ground moral opinion on the Palestinian people [ who never really existed ]
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 at 10:45
Subject: Ukrainian president Zelensky's high ground moral opinion on the Palestinian people [ who never really existed ]
To: Letters <>
" A few days ago, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Knesset asking that Israel stand with Ukraine against the Russian invasion of his country.
He cited the Ukrainian Jewish colonist Golda Mabovitch (later Golda Meir), Israel's former prime minister, who denied that the Palestinian people ever existed. Zelensky spoke of how Ukraine finds itself today in the same situation as Israel, namely that both countries seem to have horrible neighbours who "want to see us dead". "
There seem to be rather too many ZIONIST Jews with " interests " in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Start nuclear World War III over the glorious cause of a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ? Just WHO is in charge of American foreign policy ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
David Welch thinks " Our democracy " on a higher moral level Putin's Russian oligarchy
" [ yes. . they are of a lower moral standard.. they supported a dictator. trump proves that cant happen here. he tried and failed. a huge factor is a free press.
people with ideas like yours can be openly expressed and people that think your nuts can express that as well. we have freedom to talk and print. russians dont.
I can assure you of one thing.. the rich in russia are not happy with putin. but are afraid to confront him."
Ron Ruggieri
@david welch What we get from " Sleepy Joe " Biden and the mainstream news media is Wilsonian blather - the cant phrases ( " freedom ", sovereign nation " , " OUR democracy " ) that goaded the United States in 1917 into the GREAT WAR - " the war to make the world safe for democracy " ,
NOT TRUE : " we have freedom to talk and print " . The ruling capitalist class- now dominated by secular ZIONIST Jews - have " freedom to talk and print " . The voice of WORKING CLASS America is suppressed by the FAKE NEWS media. And I speak not as a fan of Donald Trump . I speak as a DEMOCRATIC socialist who has experienced numerous REMOVED comments. But they all appear on my Radical Ron's blog.
How can any literate American not note the excessive number of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in high positions to influence American foreign policy ?
Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? It is TABOO to notice this ?
Corrupt , senile, long time DEEP STATE flunkey Joe Biden is- in contrast to Donald Trump - the true voice of " OUR democracy " ?
A FREE PRESS operates in the American plutocracy ?
The American capitalist ruling class controls the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. In recent years DEEP STATE prefers to operate within the Democratic Party which for years now has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism.
How " democratic " will any nation be after nuclear World War III ? All this horror over a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ?