Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, September 13, 2019
Why the lines defacing my You Tube post on Scott Turow's " classic " ?
I have already read enough of Scott Turow's " classic " on his experience - in general THE EXPERIENCE of first year Harvard Law School to affirm what is only hinted at from OTHER VOICES in his book " One L " : The Harvard Law School " experience " absolutely succeeds in warping the minds and souls of these ambitious privileged class kids . So that they may effectively serve the PRIVATE PROPERTY god of the American ruling class.
No, don't blame wise old philosopher Socrates and his famous " Socratic method ". Plato used it to condemn PRIVATE PROPERTY and advocate a form of communism still relevant today . Many Harvard Law School graduates - Ralph Nader an outstanding exception - go on to become quite outstanding enemies of the common people.
[ Brilliant Harvard Law professor : " What is the Golden Rule ? Answer : He who has the gold rules ".] After " success " at Harvard Law, in later life , " The Graduate " if he has any soul left - might be haunted by the likes of Edgar Allan Poe's " William Wilson " .
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”
of first year Harvard Law School to affirm what is only hinted at from OTHER VOICES in his book " One L " : The Harvard Law School " experience " absolutely succeeds in warping the minds and souls of these ambitious privileged class kids . So that they may effectively serve the PRIVATE PROPERTY god of the American ruling class.No, don't blame wise old philosopher Socrates and his famous " Socratic method ". Plato used it to condemn PRIVATE PROPERTY and advocate a form of communism still relevant today . Many Harvard Law School graduates - Ralph Nader an outstanding exception - go on to become quite outstanding enemies of the common people.[ Brilliant Harvard Law professor : " What is the Golden Rule ? Answer : He who has the gold rules ".] After " success " at Harvard Law, in later life , " The Graduate "if he has any soul left - might be haunted by the likes of Edgar Allan Poe's " William Wilson " .Interview with Scott Turow