The LYING mainstream news media which is promoting the HATE TRUMP , HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism- thinks the American people are better off with the " crackpot realism " of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine . It must be sickening for REAL liberals to see PROGRESSIVE Democrats slobbering over the FBI, the CIA , the shadow government of the United States- always sinister if not CRAZY .
One also learns from pseudo-Left pop psychology that " black people who support Trump are mentally ill " . And " white people who support President Donald Trump are ' racists ' and ' white supremacists ' ". What one should consider is the " essential emptiness " and CORRUPTION of American psychiatry .And I speak not as a Trump supporter but as an independent democratic socialist.
[" PLEASE!! It's time to invoke the 25th amendment "]
. They are actually winking at a very unconstitutional " palace coup ". The Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation was based on the BIG LIE that Russia and Vladimir Putin put Trump in the White House in 2016. The simple truth is that working class American voters in the Rust Belt states were completely fed up with ESTABLISHMENT Democrats . In 2020 no doubt many white working class voters - and many black voters and an increasing number of Jewish voters - will see President Donald Trump as the LESSER EVIL. I will write-in for a ghost candidate : Eugene V. Debs .