Friday, August 30, 2019

Why WHITE SUPREMACIST Donald Trump is more and popular among Jews in the United States

No , it is not that simple about the Israeli Jews LOVING Trump because Trump threw them a couple of bones . " Islamophobic " Trump is NOT more and more popular with pro-Zionist Jews in the United States ?

           And yet the leading Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer says HE wants to be Israel's " guardian angel ".

      It does seem that APARTHEID Israel is flirting with - horror of horrors - WHITE SUPREMACY . If there is ANY semblance of a Jewish working class in Israel they can only be compared to the RACIST white settler class in old South Africa .

            The Israel Lobby does NOT have every viable Democrat or Republican politician in its pocket ? Even " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders will rarely criticize Zionism as it is practiced in Israel .

                 Very few newspaper editors in the United States will give voice to the Palestinian cause. The mainstream news media daily equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. For THAT reason I am sure I have been banned from COMMENT activity on too many web sites .

              Even the World Socialist Web Site banned me after one Socialist Equality Party hyena smeared me as their " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " . Love the logic here Catholic = anti-Semite = fascist !

              I say find one comment in which I expose myself as a pure anti-Semite not an anti-Zionist . No answer.

                 Nobody - and I am attentive to all arguments - has convinced that SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS do NOT control the mainstream news media in the United States and BOTH the Democrat Party and the Republican Party .

There seems to be a post 2016 election feud between pro-Trump Zionists and pro-Hillary Zionists - with the shadow government of the United States favoring the " progressive " Democrats -like former FBI chief James Comey .

   Sad to say but militant Zionism has corrupted the once sensitive social conscience of the Jews as a people . No less a humanitarian than Albert Einstein observed a similar corruption in the Nazi era German people . Here Einstein - wrongly, I believe - was supporting the concept of permanent COLLECTIVE GUILT .

[ " In November, Electronic Intifada obtained and published the four-part series, but it did so during the week of the midterm elections, and the documentary did not get a lot of attention then.
In it, leaders of the pro-Israel lobby speak openly about how they use money to influence the political process, in ways so blunt that if the comments were made by critics, they’d be charged with anti-Semitism. " ]

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