If you want to get an idea of pristine Catholicism patiently read " The Confessions of Saint Augustine " , his temptations of the FLESH , his reflections on the importance of MEMORY ( " Do this in Remembrance of Me ", Christ said. Today New Atheism and one voice of SCIENCE mock the Holy Eucharist ) . The mortal sins of priests and nuns and Popes and Bishops of the Catholic Church are well documented by the Catholic Church itself in its not-so-secret " Secret Archives ". And no hideous mortal sin gossiped about today not unknown to the Italian poet in " Dante's Inferno ". Every tormented circle of Dante's Hell is righteously occupied .
For two thousand years there is a record of SIN and REDEMPTION in the Holy Catholic Church . Catholic WISDOM and TRUTH survives . It will even survive the decadence of Vatican II and these Corruption of Innocence scandals.
More and more the EVIL in the world demands a supernatural explanation. Even way back in 1972 - myself under the ideological influence of the times ( " The Tumultuous 60s )- that classic horror movie " The Exorcist " and the ancient demon Satan seemed hardly ridiculous .
A phantasmagoric Vision of Hell is presented to us daily in NOT-FAKE news stories.
Among the DAMNED are priests , bishops , and cardinals of the Catholic Church . " Nothing new under the sun " said the Old Testament preacher, Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV - What has been will be again,
Lost souls in vast spiritual desolation walk the streets of every city in " The Summer Before the Dark " . A sense of despair caught in Hawthorne's " Young Goodman Brown " and " The Minister's Black Veil ".
Coming soon : " The Night of the Living Dead ".
Dominus Vobiscum ! Don't scorn those rosary beads and holy water and that silver crucifix- the ancient icons of the Holy Catholic Church.
I feel a chill just now - a cold wind in August .
[ But I'm CRAZY am I ? I show you who's CRAZY ! ]
For two thousand years there is a record of SIN and REDEMPTION in the Holy Catholic Church . Catholic WISDOM and TRUTH survives . It will even survive the decadence of Vatican II and these Corruption of Innocence scandals.
More and more the EVIL in the world demands a supernatural explanation. Even way back in 1972 - myself under the ideological influence of the times ( " The Tumultuous 60s )- that classic horror movie " The Exorcist " and the ancient demon Satan seemed hardly ridiculous .
A phantasmagoric Vision of Hell is presented to us daily in NOT-FAKE news stories.
Among the DAMNED are priests , bishops , and cardinals of the Catholic Church . " Nothing new under the sun " said the Old Testament preacher, Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV - What has been will be again,
Lost souls in vast spiritual desolation walk the streets of every city in " The Summer Before the Dark " . A sense of despair caught in Hawthorne's " Young Goodman Brown " and " The Minister's Black Veil ".
Coming soon : " The Night of the Living Dead ".
Dominus Vobiscum ! Don't scorn those rosary beads and holy water and that silver crucifix- the ancient icons of the Holy Catholic Church.
I feel a chill just now - a cold wind in August .
[ But I'm CRAZY am I ? I show you who's CRAZY ! ]
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Lurking EVIL in " Young Goodman Brown " |
Why READ horror novels ?
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