Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, August 23, 2019
Now " Libertarian " Lincoln Chafee considering presidential bid as THE PEACE CANDIDATE ?
Trump is at least right about FINALLY getting out of Afghanistan -as disastrous a failure as the Soviet invasion - a decade before the Soviet Union collapsed .
I note that former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee is considering running for US president as the Libertarian Party candidate . Not ONE of the " progressive " Democrats has declared himself or herself a PEACE candidate -as if the issue of PEACE IN THE WORLD is suddenly irrelevant .
Lincoln Chafee is also opposed to the permanent and stupid WAR ON DRUGS . He was also mocked for his pro-METRIC SYSTEM idiosyncrasy . For decades American scientists and high school math teachers have explained the convenience of the metric system. . Confusion over basic unit conversion , I read, was a factor , in major Space Age catastrophes.
In the year 2019 with " A Choice of Catastrophes " facing humanity ALL wars are stupid and we should just junk the Pentagon War Crimes Machine.
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