Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Affluent Liberal Jewish Democrats decry " white privilege " of working class voters for Trump
The now very ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats are hoping a BIG LIE - President Donald Trump as " White Supremacist -in-Chief " - will pay off for them in the 2020 presidential election.
No more than his " collusion " with Russia is there any truth to his being a white supremacist at any time in his life.
Forgetting the themes that made both Trump and Bernie Sanders attract enthusiastic crowds in 2016 campaign , the hacks of the Democratic Party now make Trump to be the root of all evil in " OUR democracy "
It is also laughable when affluent Jewish liberal Democrats decry " white privilege " and the arrogance of " white supremacy " in the poor white working class " deplorables " who voted AGAINST " Wall St. Hillary " , " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " in the 2016 election.
Here in Rhode Island we have one dear young Democrat, Aaron Regunberg -BORN RICH - leading the charge at the Wyatt Detention Facility under the " Never Again " banner. These young " on the Left " Jews forget that Zionism was condemned as a form of racism by the United Nations decades ago.
No nation state on earth can tolerate chaos on its borders whatever the race or ethnicity of the migrants or " illegal immigrants ".
The people of Norway are no more WHITE SUPREMACIST than President Trump. But the scene over there with Muslim migrants is also not a ready made Norman Rockwell painting.
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