Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Affirmative action for the Goyim Chistians in the mainstream news media ?

ALL the Democrat presidential candidates are a sorry bunch . They are all such NICE PEOPLE in contrast to NASTY Donald Trump and his even nastier white working class " deplorable " supporters.

None of " progressive " Democrat stars take any clear stand on hard issues . They do not oppose the capitalist system . They do not oppose our imperialist wars . They do not oppose the shadow government of the United States - which serves the " Greater Israel " agenda : war in the Middle East and war with Russia over Syria and Crimea. 

Within the United States the Democrats promote the New McCarthyism and even the new " sexual McCarthyism. They instigate RACE war with their vicious " identity politics " and political correctness. How ironic that secular Zionist Jew intellectuals make themselves the high priests of political correctness and the only JUST JUDGES of hate speech and hate crime. The United Nations declared Zionism a form of RACISM decades ago .

Is it impudent to ask for affirmative action for Goyim Christians and Catholics in the mainstream news media ? Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer declares himself Israel's " guardian angel " . Perhaps HE not Donald Trump is the real " agent of a foreign power ".

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