Monday, August 26, 2019

What " critical support " means to Radical Ron

" Critical support " is NOT an endorsement. Honest socialists don't endorse TOTALITARIAN socialists . There are many " socialist " parties that call themselves " Marxist " and they are run by permanent GREAT LEADERS with UNCRITICAL followers much like the " Clears " in the daffy Church of Scientology. They should be labeled POISON for young idealists.

WAR PREPARATION involves so much of the social surplus product of American capitalism that Lincoln Chafee's opposition to more wars makes him a FRIEND of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS everywhere.

To be a " plutocrat " is not the equivalent of being a moral monster . The individual of the privileged class is caught up in a social-economic system that cannot function collectively in  the general interest of humanity.

I gave critical support to Bernie Sanders until he endorsed " Corrupt Hillary " . Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will just hustle the MAD AS HELL AT TRUMP crowd into VOTE DEMOCRAT camp .


" Vanguard socialist parties " - self proclaimed - are almost ALL crackpot jokes. And their implacable hostility to Christianity, to Catholicism , indeed to religious faith in general, guarantees that they will never lead any mass movement for DEMOCRATIC socialism . They could create the New Stalinism - being hostile to the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.

It would be a very significant development if " progressive " Democrats Sanders and Warren decided to break with the Democrat Party . Now and then Bernie still describes himself as an INDEPENDENT .

But no Democrat is INDEPENDENT of the American ruling class , of the shadow government of the United States , the FBI , the CIA , of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine.

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