Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Secular Zionist Jews - inspired by New York Times - declare culture war on white working class Christians ?

Thank you for what I hope is never censored opinion. I focus not on Jews in general but on how the ZIONIST STATE has corrupted the once sensitive Jewish social conscience.
So no surprise here : I have been banned from the Brown Daily Herald Web Site. Banned from ABC on line. BLOCKED from other web sites with no explanation.
Months ago I was banned on the pretentiously named World Socialist Web Site after one of their Socialist Equality Party lackeys smeared me as a " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " . For their GREAT LEADER David North ( as a Jewish capitalist owner of a NON-UNION printing company (  Grand River Printing Company ) David North is legally David Green ) must think Catholic = Fascist = anti-Semite .
It does indeed seem that secular Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media . The New York Times gives marching orders to " liberal " Democrats. Just recently they were told to make RACE the central issue of the 2020 presidential campaign .
Walking on thin ice themselves these affluent secular Zionist Jews declare culture war on white working class Christians ? I see no evidence of working class Christians falling for racism or white supremacy nonsense.
The New York Times and the Democrat Party slander the white working class Americans who voted AGAINST " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " -not really FOR Donald Trump.

[ Protesting too much

 " No doubt the power the Zionist lobby holds over this country is daunting. They have long since abandoned the hope of selling their thievery of Palestine as legitimate to the American public at large and opted to keep the ruling elite on a tight leash.

To be sure, their well-oiled, richly financed Hasbara machinery is on autopilot and keeps spitting the accusations of ' anti-semitism' against anything and anyone that dares to question the gibberish Israel wants to sell the world. "  ] 

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