Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Democratic Party declares culture war on the white working class
" Being Christian was equal to being American in our school and town." The Irish Catholics experienced the same bigotry .
Today the guiding lights of the oh-so-progressive Democratic Party have made Christianity and any public display of it anathema .
The party of FDR and JFK is beginning to seem more and more like the party of Stalinism and the Moscow Trials.
I was banned from the pretentiously named " World Socialist Web Site " soon after one " guardian angel " for Apartheid Israel ( like Senator Chuck Schumer ) smeared me as a " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist ". Of course, this crackpot political cult -led by one David North - resembles the daffy Church of Scientology with its anointed " Clears " .
President Trump is very popular in Apartheid Israel . Are American Jews and Jews in Israel who support Trump RACIST and ANTI-SEMITIC ? I don't think so.
It does seem that the Democratic Party has declared culture war on white working class Christians - with the full support of Hollywood and limousine liberals.
What is so LOVING about the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism ? What is so LOVING about these Anti-Fa and " Never Again " groups ? " Never Again " has its ideological roots in Meir Kahane's notorious Jewish Defense League - on the Left considered downright fascist .
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