Monday, August 19, 2019

WHO controls the news media just simply sociological research

A real democratic socialist does not compartmentalize controversial issues. How can secular Zionist bigotry NOT be a factor here if pro-Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media and actively intrigue for the Greater Israel agenda in the Middle East and instigate war with Iran and Russia over civil war in Syria ?

                 Why not ask a biologist why he is always bringing up Darwin and evolution. What ideas explain the BIG PICTURE ?

           No, I don't have any problem with Jews . Just as with Germans and Nazi Germany the ZIONIST STATE has corrupted the once sensitive social conscience of Jews as a people. A few Jews like Howard Zinn , Noam Chomsky , Norman Finkelstein make these same points .

                 Why don't my critics here admit that THEY are pro-Zionist Jews working in a pro-Zionist environment ? And they never use their real names or identify their jobs.

                WHO controls the news media can be just simple sociological research . You don't have to go to neo-Nazi web sites to learn from FACTS that Jews control Hollywood and the porn industry.

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