The World Socialist Web Site would have more credibility if it had more respect for the FREE SPEECH tradition of Western Civilization. And unfortunately David North , SEP cult leader , has a reputation as the Lyndon LaRouche of the Trotskyist Left . Trust me !
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nothing very " public " about NPR
in this conversation
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The Zionist Jews in the mainstream news media - nothing very PUBLIC about NPR - just refuse to make any distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.
They are so far removed from the GENERAL AMERICAN PUBLIC psychologically that there would be a day of mass celebration if all the ZIONIST servants of Apartheid Israel ( " agents of a foreign power " ) were abruptly fired on orders from the president of the United States. And no golden pensions .
[ As for my " disease " , do you think arrogant Zionist Jews - and the male capitalist Jew, big shot sex perverts - that the Christian Goyim read about and hear about or witness every day - are winning a popularity contest among us " deplorables " ? Is it not wise to know what people really think about YOU ? Before it is too late ?]
From MONDOWEISS , Henry Norr, 2013:
[ " That day’s show was an extreme case, but the pattern is familiar to anyone who listens to NPR regularly: they can’t stop talking about the Jews. Even though those of us who are Jewish amount to less than 2 percent of the U.S. population[1], NPR devotes a level of loving attention to Jewish traditions, culture, and history that it displays toward no other religious or ethnic group. " ]
NOTE : Naturally Henry Norr was fired from a journalism job for taking " OUR democracy " too seriously :
His[ Norr's } statement, published in Monday’s Chronicle article, says that “because I didn’t violate the ethics policy the Chronicle had in place at the time, it is clear I was fired because of my political views—my opposition to the war in Iraq and Israel’s occupation of Palestine.”
From MONDOWEISS , Henry Norr, 2013:
[ " That day’s show was an extreme case, but the pattern is familiar to anyone who listens to NPR regularly: they can’t stop talking about the Jews. Even though those of us who are Jewish amount to less than 2 percent of the U.S. population[1], NPR devotes a level of loving attention to Jewish traditions, culture, and history that it displays toward no other religious or ethnic group. " ]
NOTE : Naturally Henry Norr was fired from a journalism job for taking " OUR democracy " too seriously :
His[ Norr's } statement, published in Monday’s Chronicle article, says that “because I didn’t violate the ethics policy the Chronicle had in place at the time, it is clear I was fired because of my political views—my opposition to the war in Iraq and Israel’s occupation of Palestine.”
THE TRUTH : Zionist Jews bully a majority of anti-Zionist Jews
" So, you asked me to point this out. EVERY single comment you make on here includes bashing of Zionists, and the anti semitic trope that Jews control the media etc.. . EVERY one."
- It is not an OBSESSIVE concern that a cabal of Zionist Jews operating in the shadow government of the United States and in control of both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party are planning nuclear World War III where the children of the Goyim do all the dying .
For any alert observant reader Zionist control of the media ( Is every Jew a Zionist ? ) is just self evident . They daily CENSOR news and opinion that does not serve the agenda of Greater Israel .
And what a mess . The Zionist-in- Chief of the Democratic Party Senator Chuck Schumer says HE wants to be dear precious Israel's " guardian angel ".
And yet you have President Donald Trump - beloved in Apartheid Israel - saying the Democrat Party has fallen for " Jew hatred ".
So what must really going on is a tribal feud . But keep us working class Christian " deplorables " out it .
Of course , it does follow IF anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism , that ALL Jews are Zionists. No ?
The mainstream news media marginalizes anti-Zionist Jews like MIT 's Noam Chomsky , the late Howard Zinn, Norman Finkelstein .
The TRUTH ? The Zionists Jews bully a MAJORITY of anti-Zionist Jews !
So the Great Protector of holy diversity is the FBI ?
"But the organizers and some featured guests have ties to far-right organizations, and many say the parade is a thinly veiled attempt to express anti-diversity sentiments "
Of course ,for " progressive " Democrats, guided by the eternal wisdom of secular Zionist Jews ,DIVERSITY excludes what for centuries was just considered divine " normalcy " .
DIVERSITY excludes the white working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables ". It excludes ALL the Catholic faithful .
And the Great Protector of holy DIVERSITY is the very sinister shadow government of " OUR democracy ", the FBI . the CIA , the university THINK TANKS .
And of course no HUMOR here on the oh-so- progressive LEFT . PRIDE can work both ways here . MACHO MEN can be as proud as GAY MEN . In ancient Rome they paraded a huge phallic symbol in a yearly holiday in the streets . I am sure gay Romans welcomed the spectacle.
This democratic socialist applauds the Straight Pride Parade as he did Gay Pride Parades in Providence , Rhode Island .
Of course ,for " progressive " Democrats, guided by the eternal wisdom of secular Zionist Jews ,DIVERSITY excludes what for centuries was just considered divine " normalcy " .
DIVERSITY excludes the white working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables ". It excludes ALL the Catholic faithful .
And the Great Protector of holy DIVERSITY is the very sinister shadow government of " OUR democracy ", the FBI . the CIA , the university THINK TANKS .
And of course no HUMOR here on the oh-so- progressive LEFT . PRIDE can work both ways here . MACHO MEN can be as proud as GAY MEN . In ancient Rome they paraded a huge phallic symbol in a yearly holiday in the streets . I am sure gay Romans welcomed the spectacle.
This democratic socialist applauds the Straight Pride Parade as he did Gay Pride Parades in Providence , Rhode Island .
Friday, August 30, 2019
The New Atheism has finally found a home in the Democrat Party
Discussion on WBUR 1 comments
Biden Hears Frustration From Labor Union In His Campaign's Backyard
" Sleepy Joe Biden " will turn a deaf ear to this :
[A former faith adviser to then-President Barack Obama on Friday blasted the Democratic National Committee's recent resolution embracing nonbelievers, calling it "stupid on a fundamental level that transcends electoral politics."] ( FOX NEWS )
"I just want to be clear," the adviser, Michael Wear, wrote on Twitter. "This is both politically stupid, but also, just stupid on a fundamental level that transcends electoral politics."]
As I said, the New Atheism with the applause of secular Zionist Jews has finally found a home in the Democrat Party .
And the rest of the country ?
Well yes , FREEDOM matters . Sad to say but the generic political Left has turned against the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. This tradition is more vital for human civilization than phony VANGUARD MARXIST sectarian parties leading us into a mirror world " 1984 " where Emmanuel Goldstein is BIG BROTHER commanding a robotic proletariat loving neither God nor Country -just BIG BROTHER's STATE.
Pray to Saint Malthus ?
Study Finds No 'Gay Gene,' But Some Question Whether The Search Should Have Started At All
This story contrasts with :
[ Cancer Patient Says Question Could Save Lives: 'Do You Have Eastern European Jewish Ancestry?' ]
DNA maps are probably useful for any purpose - even reactionary obfuscation.
I find it amusing and perfectly credible that we ALL come from an OLD FAMILY - the monkeys .
I doubt if there is gene for homosexuality anymore than a gene for heterosexuality.
Nature is " self-correcting " only when species survival is at stake . That could involve a number of genes interacting with environmental messages.
If there is a marked increase in homosexual individuals NATURE - if not the Vatican - might be warning us against too much irresponsible sex creating too many neglected children .
Pray to Saint Malthus ?
[ Cancer Patient Says Question Could Save Lives: 'Do You Have Eastern European Jewish Ancestry?' ]
DNA maps are probably useful for any purpose - even reactionary obfuscation.
I find it amusing and perfectly credible that we ALL come from an OLD FAMILY - the monkeys .
I doubt if there is gene for homosexuality anymore than a gene for heterosexuality.
Nature is " self-correcting " only when species survival is at stake . That could involve a number of genes interacting with environmental messages.
If there is a marked increase in homosexual individuals NATURE - if not the Vatican - might be warning us against too much irresponsible sex creating too many neglected children .
Pray to Saint Malthus ?
Why WHITE SUPREMACIST Donald Trump is more and popular among Jews in the United States
No , it is not that simple about the Israeli Jews LOVING Trump because Trump threw them a couple of bones . " Islamophobic " Trump is NOT more and more popular with pro-Zionist Jews in the United States ?
And yet the leading Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer says HE wants to be Israel's " guardian angel ".
It does seem that APARTHEID Israel is flirting with - horror of horrors - WHITE SUPREMACY . If there is ANY semblance of a Jewish working class in Israel they can only be compared to the RACIST white settler class in old South Africa .
The Israel Lobby does NOT have every viable Democrat or Republican politician in its pocket ? Even " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders will rarely criticize Zionism as it is practiced in Israel .
Very few newspaper editors in the United States will give voice to the Palestinian cause. The mainstream news media daily equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. For THAT reason I am sure I have been banned from COMMENT activity on too many web sites .
Even the World Socialist Web Site banned me after one Socialist Equality Party hyena smeared me as their " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " . Love the logic here Catholic = anti-Semite = fascist !
I say find one comment in which I expose myself as a pure anti-Semite not an anti-Zionist . No answer.
Nobody - and I am attentive to all arguments - has convinced that SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS do NOT control the mainstream news media in the United States and BOTH the Democrat Party and the Republican Party .
There seems to be a post 2016 election feud between pro-Trump Zionists and pro-Hillary Zionists - with the shadow government of the United States favoring the " progressive " Democrats -like former FBI chief James Comey .
Sad to say but militant Zionism has corrupted the once sensitive social conscience of the Jews as a people . No less a humanitarian than Albert Einstein observed a similar corruption in the Nazi era German people . Here Einstein - wrongly, I believe - was supporting the concept of permanent COLLECTIVE GUILT .
And yet the leading Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer says HE wants to be Israel's " guardian angel ".
It does seem that APARTHEID Israel is flirting with - horror of horrors - WHITE SUPREMACY . If there is ANY semblance of a Jewish working class in Israel they can only be compared to the RACIST white settler class in old South Africa .
The Israel Lobby does NOT have every viable Democrat or Republican politician in its pocket ? Even " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders will rarely criticize Zionism as it is practiced in Israel .
Very few newspaper editors in the United States will give voice to the Palestinian cause. The mainstream news media daily equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. For THAT reason I am sure I have been banned from COMMENT activity on too many web sites .
Even the World Socialist Web Site banned me after one Socialist Equality Party hyena smeared me as their " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " . Love the logic here Catholic = anti-Semite = fascist !
I say find one comment in which I expose myself as a pure anti-Semite not an anti-Zionist . No answer.
Nobody - and I am attentive to all arguments - has convinced that SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS do NOT control the mainstream news media in the United States and BOTH the Democrat Party and the Republican Party .
There seems to be a post 2016 election feud between pro-Trump Zionists and pro-Hillary Zionists - with the shadow government of the United States favoring the " progressive " Democrats -like former FBI chief James Comey .
Sad to say but militant Zionism has corrupted the once sensitive social conscience of the Jews as a people . No less a humanitarian than Albert Einstein observed a similar corruption in the Nazi era German people . Here Einstein - wrongly, I believe - was supporting the concept of permanent COLLECTIVE GUILT .
[ " In November, Electronic Intifada obtained and published the four-part series, but it did so during the week of the midterm elections, and the documentary did not get a lot of attention then.
In it, leaders of the pro-Israel lobby speak openly about how they use money to influence the political process, in ways so blunt that if the comments were made by critics, they’d be charged with anti-Semitism. " ]
BOY = GIRL ? Yes, if BIG BROTHER says so ... yes, Wiinston 2+2= 5 !
Is Your Child Questioning Their Gender Identity? Parents Should 'Really Listen,' One Psychologist Says
American psychiatry is hopelessly corrupt . Whole books have been written on this topic - by some old veteran professionals .
Suggested book title : " Modern Psychiatry In Search of a Soul ".
The whole field of psychiatry now is dominated by hustlers - many outright charlatans- with no more credibility than the legendary Kevin Trudeau doing his late night infomercials . I read Trudeau is now in prison .
What DRUG does the good doctor recommend today for the mentally disturbed ?
Suggested book title : " Modern Psychiatry In Search of a Soul ".
The whole field of psychiatry now is dominated by hustlers - many outright charlatans- with no more credibility than the legendary Kevin Trudeau doing his late night infomercials . I read Trudeau is now in prison .
What DRUG does the good doctor recommend today for the mentally disturbed ?
In smearing the white working class the Zionist news media is stirring up HELL !
An old fashioned LIBERAL would defend any scoundrel in the interest TRUTH . As a democratic socialist I defend President Donald Trump ONLY against the mainstream news media smear campaign against him soon after the shock of his quite LEGITIMATE election in 2016 as president of the United States.
Hatred for Trump conditioned ardent " liberal " Democrats to actually betray what is left of " OUR democracy " . What else was the Kafkaesque ,Mueller Russia investigation - nearly THREE LONG YEARS ! - all about but a Byzantine endeavor to de-legitimize the Trump presidency ?
What favors are the war mongers in the Democratic Party - promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism- doing for WORKING CLASS Americans of any race or ethnic group ?
Who dismantled the so called Welfare State more ruthlessly than the Clintons in the 1990s ?
What was so irrational and self-defeating about voters in those pivotal Rust Belt states turning against " Corrupt Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " ?
The mainstream news media daily smears the white working class Christians who desperately voted for LESSER EVIL Trump as hateful racists and white supremacists jealous - of all things - for THEIR " white privilege " . " White privilege " enjoyed in the neighborhoods around the West Virginia coal mines , for example ?
" White privilege " as enjoyed by own mother ( with ancestral names inscribed on a Revolutionary War monument in Uxbridge , Mass ) : after working 25 years for Brown University Health Services ( work she loved ) she received a very WHITE PRIVILEGE pension of $99 dollars per month . No POVERTY there , of course , and no bitterness . But certainly no WHITE PRIVILEGE .
And yet the Zionist controlled news media would stir up hostility against and smear this vast white Christian working class America. They are stirring up HELL !
Hatred for Trump conditioned ardent " liberal " Democrats to actually betray what is left of " OUR democracy " . What else was the Kafkaesque ,Mueller Russia investigation - nearly THREE LONG YEARS ! - all about but a Byzantine endeavor to de-legitimize the Trump presidency ?
What favors are the war mongers in the Democratic Party - promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism- doing for WORKING CLASS Americans of any race or ethnic group ?
Who dismantled the so called Welfare State more ruthlessly than the Clintons in the 1990s ?
What was so irrational and self-defeating about voters in those pivotal Rust Belt states turning against " Corrupt Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " ?
The mainstream news media daily smears the white working class Christians who desperately voted for LESSER EVIL Trump as hateful racists and white supremacists jealous - of all things - for THEIR " white privilege " . " White privilege " enjoyed in the neighborhoods around the West Virginia coal mines , for example ?
" White privilege " as enjoyed by own mother ( with ancestral names inscribed on a Revolutionary War monument in Uxbridge , Mass ) : after working 25 years for Brown University Health Services ( work she loved ) she received a very WHITE PRIVILEGE pension of $99 dollars per month . No POVERTY there , of course , and no bitterness . But certainly no WHITE PRIVILEGE .
And yet the Zionist controlled news media would stir up hostility against and smear this vast white Christian working class America. They are stirring up HELL !
Neo-liberalism has no respect for the PAST
The MAGA Hat Is Not Campaign Swag. It's An Emblem Of Hate
The FAKE NEWS media - controlled by secular Zionist Jews increasingly hostile to the " deplorable " white Christian working class- distorted this tired news story . President Donald Trump in his own inimitable way told the truth about GOOD PEOPLE on both sides. A democratic socialist myself ,I could not foam at the mouth over any HISTORIC civil war memorials. Neo- liberalism has no respect for the PAST or for the religious instincts of the human race.
Your arch-villain Donald Trump is very popular in Israel . Please explain .
Your arch-villain Donald Trump is very popular in Israel . Please explain .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Everything and Everybody is just a moment in God's TIME .
Yes , racism is a SIN . The old Catholic Baltimore Catechism remains an excellent guide to personal morality . But the SIN of RACISM does not originate in the wicked hearts of individuals . A whole social system is involved in collective social evil.
You can tell an individual capitalist that GREED is a sin but that does not change the " soul " of Wall Street .
You can tell people to love one another but that does not stop WAR . You stop war by smashing the military machine, You deconstruct the military caste mentality ( American sociologist C. Wright Mills called it " crackpot realism " ) .
You cannot begin to stop capitalist exploitation if you tell people that this economic system is forever , is based on eternal principles as if the FREE MARKET were programmed into the Big Bang 13 billion years ago.
Everything and everybody is just a moment in God's TIME .
You can tell an individual capitalist that GREED is a sin but that does not change the " soul " of Wall Street .
You can tell people to love one another but that does not stop WAR . You stop war by smashing the military machine, You deconstruct the military caste mentality ( American sociologist C. Wright Mills called it " crackpot realism " ) .
You cannot begin to stop capitalist exploitation if you tell people that this economic system is forever , is based on eternal principles as if the FREE MARKET were programmed into the Big Bang 13 billion years ago.
Everything and everybody is just a moment in God's TIME .
Just curious: as a Christian democratic socialist, what do you say about racism?
I say what Black Muslim Malcolm X said about RACISM before he was assassinated with the COLLUSION of the FBI : way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection with RACISM and CAPITALISM, with RACISM and AMERICAN IMPERIALISM .
If you really want to abolish RACISM , you begin by abolishing capitalist inequality.
Serious democratic socialists challenge the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth .
And there is no hope for checking perilous climate change until humanity as a whole has collective control over these titanic means of production , control over ALL natural resources and the colossal ENERGY industry.
Rather than daily vilifying Christianity and smearing Catholics and Protestants as " haters " even Marxist socialists should begin to show some respect for Christianity and Christians , for their core axioms. That is the stuff of an earth shaking MASS MOVEMENT .
If you really want to abolish RACISM , you begin by abolishing capitalist inequality.
Serious democratic socialists challenge the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth .
And there is no hope for checking perilous climate change until humanity as a whole has collective control over these titanic means of production , control over ALL natural resources and the colossal ENERGY industry.
Rather than daily vilifying Christianity and smearing Catholics and Protestants as " haters " even Marxist socialists should begin to show some respect for Christianity and Christians , for their core axioms. That is the stuff of an earth shaking MASS MOVEMENT .
The NEW ATHEISM has finally found a home in the Democratic Party
" Ron, take a breath. Try compassion."
- The " liberal " Democrats are paragons of " compassion " ? They who promote the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism ? Who promote vicious " identity politics " and vacuous " political correctness " ? They who turn a blind eye to Zionist Apartheid Israel's crimes against humanity in Palestinian ? They who now slobber over the FBI , CIA , the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?
They who daily smear white working class Christians as various " deplorables " ?
All these very hateful " progressive " Democrats - self-appointed judges of hate speech and hate crime ?
All these LOVING liberal Democrats who joke about physical violence against a LEGITIMATE president and encourage the bullying of kids wearing MAGA hats ?
They are about as LOVING as the obnoxious New Atheism -which has finally found a home in the Democrat Party .
Count on RACIST " Radical Ron " to tell you these things
I'm desperately trying to discern the relation between what I said, and your response. I'm not finding that relation.
- Intelligent people usually find meaningful CONNECTIONS . Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and American imperialism. No surprise that the FBI - which today " progressive " Democrats slobber over as a bulwark of " OUR democracy " - had both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King assassinated . Count on RACIST Ron to tell you these things.
Zionist Jews smearing the mental ill
" No one is interested in your hateful racism and antisemitism, Ronnie. You have a mental illness. You need to keep taking the meds that you were prescribed. Good luck! "
Do you recommend a cheap Zionist Jew psychiatrist ? This reference to " taking meds " offends anybody who has the unpleasantness of working with you ( any CHRISTIANS there ? ) who might need prescribed meds to cope with real " mental illness " or stress .
Your Zionist Jew boss cannot even exhort you to be DECENT here .
Radical Ron's " language is inflammatory, abusive, and xenophobic " ?
"Your language is inflammatory, abusive and xenophobic. Try speaking like rational person. "
- Should biased Zionist Jews so predominant in the mainstream FAKE NEWS media be the final and most credible judges of who is RACIST and ANTI-SEMITIC ? And RATIONAL ?
What is so " inflammatory " about TRUTH ? Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ?
I have thousands of UP VOTES . How many racists quote Malcolm X ( " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " . ) ? How many racists quote Anti-Zionist Jews like Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky , Norman Finkelstein ? They all thought that Zionism was a disaster for the Jews as a people .
Why is WHITE SUPREMACIST President Donald Trump so popular in Apartheid Israel ?
Why is it OK for the mainstream news media to daily smear white working class CHRISTIANS as " deplorables " for voting for Trump ? The Israel Jews re-elected Netanyahu . But long ago the United Nations declared Zionism a form of racism.
Unless you think that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism there is nothing abusive about my comments here . And certainly I'm no xenophobic . I recently made a positive reference to the legendary IWW, International Workers of the World .
As a democratic socialist I do not idolize ANY national boundaries. That is why I support the cause of the oppressed Palestinians.
The BIAS is found in the staff of NPR/WBUR . They shamelessly smear REAL socialists as RACIST and ANTI-SEMITIC .
They make sure that there are no CHRISTIAN voices in the editorial office.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 12:28
To: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 12:28
To: <>
My nephew reports seeing no ducks in Roger Williams Park lakes lately . More to it than poison algae and fungi : like H.P. Lovecraft's " The Color of Outer Space "?
Poisoned lake - NO DUCKS SIGHTED IN ROGER WILLIAMS PARK, Providence , lately ?
Dog-Killing Blue-Green Algae Spreads Across U.S. Lakes, Ponds
Not just dogs threatened . My nephew said that he noticed NO DUCKS IN ROGER WILLIAMS PARK this time of year , late summer , early fall , in the past so scenic, so idyllic .
I think back to old film noir science fiction of the 1950s ; " X- the Unknown , " The Creature from the Black Lagoon ", " The Blob ", and " The Day the World Ended ".
The poison algae and fungi might get up close and personal : " The Color of Outer Space ", H.P. Lovecraft ; " I Married A Monster from Outer Space ".
Coming attraction : " The Invasion of the Body Snatchers "
I think back to old film noir science fiction of the 1950s ; " X- the Unknown , " The Creature from the Black Lagoon ", " The Blob ", and " The Day the World Ended ".
The poison algae and fungi might get up close and personal : " The Color of Outer Space ", H.P. Lovecraft ; " I Married A Monster from Outer Space ".
Coming attraction : " The Invasion of the Body Snatchers "
PUBLIC RADIO in the United States has no CHRISTIAN input
" Generalizing in such horrific terms about a group of people based upon their race and socio-economic class goes against everything .. "
PUBLIC RADIO in the United States lacks any CHRISTIAN voice . There is no dissent on Zionist Apartheid Israel . NONE !
" Generalizing in such horrific terms about a group of people based upon their race and socio-economic class goes against everything .. "
THE ABCs even of Marxist socialism : If a majority of Jews in the United States and in Israel cannot give up their loyalty to capitalism , to American imperialism, to Zionism , then they make themselves CLASS ENEMIES of the human race . Even Leon Trotsky - from a Jewish background - would agree with me.
When does socialist EQUALITY mean persecuting Christians ?
John Dewey’s Encounter with Leon Trotsky
The truth of Dewey's position is revealed dramatically in the evolution or rather the degeneration of various " Trotskyist " parties and organization and their publications and web. sites . Here I can only say how much these personality cult Trotskyists resemble the " Clears " of the daffy Church of Scientology .
They are invariably led by one permanent GREAT LEADER- who lives like a smug bourgeoisie with a very capitalist bank account . Also, I see the seeds of totalitarianism - so incongruous in any EQUALITY party - in the dogmatic Marxist implacable hostility to Christianity and religious faith in general.
What kind of EQUALITY socialism makes the world's millions of Christians second class citizens in " officially atheist " ( like the old Soviet Union ) BIG BROTHER states ?
I never met any working class people - innocent of THE vanguard party - languishing with a longing for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Affirmative action for the Goyim Chistians in the mainstream news media ?
ALL the Democrat presidential candidates are a sorry bunch . They are all such NICE PEOPLE in contrast to NASTY Donald Trump and his even nastier white working class " deplorable " supporters.
None of " progressive " Democrat stars take any clear stand on hard issues . They do not oppose the capitalist system . They do not oppose our imperialist wars . They do not oppose the shadow government of the United States - which serves the " Greater Israel " agenda : war in the Middle East and war with Russia over Syria and Crimea.
Within the United States the Democrats promote the New McCarthyism and even the new " sexual McCarthyism. They instigate RACE war with their vicious " identity politics " and political correctness. How ironic that secular Zionist Jew intellectuals make themselves the high priests of political correctness and the only JUST JUDGES of hate speech and hate crime. The United Nations declared Zionism a form of RACISM decades ago .
Is it impudent to ask for affirmative action for Goyim Christians and Catholics in the mainstream news media ? Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer declares himself Israel's " guardian angel " . Perhaps HE not Donald Trump is the real " agent of a foreign power ".
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How much did the tiki torch run you?
[ A group of racist protesters gathered in Charlottesville with tiki torches, chanting “you will not replace us” and “white lives matter.” ]
This smear could ONLY have come from a Zionist . I am a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST .
This smear could ONLY have come from a Zionist . I am a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST .
Palestinian student Ismail Ajjawi " deemed inadmissible to the United States "
Harvard Freshman Refused Entry To U.S. At Logan Airport
" This individual was deemed inadmissible to the United States based on information discovered during the CBP inspection. "
"The student is Ismail Ajjawi " . No doubt ANY Palestinian would have received the same treatment -with the blessing of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu.
But Harvard has a vision of the young man's future - as the Palestinian equivalent of Henry Kissinger. Ancient Rome did not invite Greek scholars into THE CITY in order to train a future Sparticus.
In all things what prevails in matters of state is the interest of the prevailing section of the American plutocracy and the agenda of Zionist Apartheid Israel.
It is surprising that ANY young Palestinian can arrive in the United States with a clean bill of health given the oppressive conditions in Palestine.
"The student is Ismail Ajjawi " . No doubt ANY Palestinian would have received the same treatment -with the blessing of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu.
But Harvard has a vision of the young man's future - as the Palestinian equivalent of Henry Kissinger. Ancient Rome did not invite Greek scholars into THE CITY in order to train a future Sparticus.
In all things what prevails in matters of state is the interest of the prevailing section of the American plutocracy and the agenda of Zionist Apartheid Israel.
It is surprising that ANY young Palestinian can arrive in the United States with a clean bill of health given the oppressive conditions in Palestine.
" Affirmative action " for more WHITE criminal executions ?
N.C. Supreme Court Hears Arguments On Racial Bias In Death Penalty Cases
You will not find any serious " liberal " Democrat running for president who will take a sincere stand against the state and federal death penalty . Most of the " liberal" Democrats even disdain to condemn the American Gulag. Or how about opposing MASS MURDER ? None of the " liberal " Democrats speak out against OUR nuclear arsenal or the Pentagon War Crimes Machine .
They might wink at affirmative action for white criminal executions. Yet the death penalty clearly has a CLASS bias. No working class people and certainly no SOCIALIST should support it.
They might wink at affirmative action for white criminal executions. Yet the death penalty clearly has a CLASS bias. No working class people and certainly no SOCIALIST should support it.
" Who stole my 10,000 stock certificates of Philip Morris ? "
Judge In Opioid Trial Rules Johnson & Johnson Must Pay Oklahoma $572 Million
Think of ALL the people addicted to nicotine and alcohol. It does not make THE NEWS when an unconscious drunk is picked up by an ambulance . The poorest of the poor are addicted to nicotine. I wonder how they can even pay their rent without some criminal hobby on the side.
I have a friend -once rich - who absolutely loathes cigarette smoke and cigarette smokers. Yet he sighs when wondering : " Who stole my 10,000 stock certificates of Philip Morris ! "

I have a friend -once rich - who absolutely loathes cigarette smoke and cigarette smokers. Yet he sighs when wondering : " Who stole my 10,000 stock certificates of Philip Morris ! "

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