Friday, August 17, 2018

Socialists must build bridges to millions of the world's religious people

How can the working class " democratically decide " anything if the vast majority of the world's religious people - who outnumber " dialectical materialists-are officially scorned by competing  vanguards led by " New Atheist " inspired prigs ?

               For every devoted " socialist " attending a conference or a socialist lecture on any particular day in the United States there are a million working class people attending some church service.

       You don't win the hearts and minds of people by frontal assaults on their fundamental core religious values. Gifted writers have written accurately about petty-bourgeois " socialist " snobs -completely out of touch with masses they would lead. They worship SCIENCE and let their intellectual inferiors know it.

          I just read on today's World Socialist Web Site that the SEP and other socialist parties are considered " subversive " in Germany .

          How much popular support could you count on if party leaders sounded like the late -ex-Trotskyist - Christopher Hitchens - who drunkenly delighted in humiliating religious people in public with quotes from his New Atheist cult classic : " God Is Not Great .. . how religion poisons everything " ?

                Once ATHEISM became his passion SOCIALISM went out the window for Christopher Hitchens. He became a rabid supporter of the Iraq War and born again zealot for Zionist Apartheid Israel. I am sure Hitchens hated the Catholic Church as much as he hated Islam. To what end ?

                Eugene V. Debs knew how to talk to the common people- never sounding like a constipated " socialist " scholar. I recall Debs making references to Jesus as that " revolutionary carpenter's son ".

                This is what I mean when I talk about " building bridges " to people who will not be ideologically transformed before real socialism is established. For many more years their concept and love of God will never be replaced by the " God Particle " - over which no modern cathedrals will ever arise. And the New Atheists ( rarely socialists ) will never get a hearing from these common people.

        The socialist movement might finally get out of a rut if it sounded more " evangelical " . Poor propaganda skills-not just official persecution- are also a factor in the stagnation of various socialist parties .

             George Orwell once gave a very humorous explanation why so many " socialists " turn off the majority. I will look it up again.

                  Dialectical materialism offers excellent insights for transforming society . But it does not explain everything. It is not an arrogant " Theory of Everything ". Thank God for wonder and mystery . And shame on all apostles of dreariness !

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